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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Carozza Wins!


  1. So glad to see the career Democrat taken out of office. I'm sure the Board of Education is crying tonight.

    Attended the elected school board meetings. Arrogant a hole, sided with the Board and not the tax paying citizens and property holders of Wicomico County!

  2. Mary Beth won by a good bit too.

  3. Anonymous said...
    So glad to see the career Democrat taken out of office. I'm sure the Board of Education is crying tonight.

    Attended the elected school board meetings. Arrogant a hole, sided with the Board and not the tax paying citizens and property holders of Wicomico County!

    November 6, 2018 at 11:10 PM

    Of course Jimbo sides with the BOE because they automatically endorse him without a vote from the union. Just like the Lawless State Teachers Union did with Ben Jealous. He knows he can get a lot of votes from all the teachers with that endorsement.

  4. Not seen anything on WBOC about her win.

  5. Son of a gun. I couldn't be more pleased!

  6. It was Mathias's support of residential sprinkler legislation that repulsed our local populace. The building numbers speak for themselves as the construction of new homes in Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties slowed to a crawl amid the residential sprinkler ordinance. The three counties issued a total of 184 single-family home permits during the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Before the sprinkler ordinance Wicomico alone was averaging 700-800 new homes per year. Thanks to Jim Mathias for his support of this job killing legislation.

  7. 5:51am, you won't either!!

  8. Now repeal the fire sprinkler systems in single family homes. Jim drug us to California type standards to get his kick-backs from Royal Plus and we don't have wildfire problems. Trump loosen tough regulations and Jim took builders to the top with the Fire sprinklers systems in single family homes. GOOD BYE JIM

  9. Out with the OLD (Mathias) in with the fresh/new! Until 2 more years and then we can yank them out!

  10. Time for Mary Beth to settle some old fights and insults, watch out CGM!

  11. She's a RINO. Watch and see.

  12. I like Jim Mathias and am not happy about his loss. That is not to say I'm not happy about Carroza winning but more like I feel bad for him. Anyway last night when he was interviewed he mentioned something along the lines of his disgust with the Hogan commercials being aired saying he voted with the "bad guys" meaning the democrats. I agree with Mathias the commercials were uncalled for and I didn't like them. BUT the question becomes for over 2 years now Republicans have been demonized like no other. Called deplorables, racists, homophobics and other names. He never said a word or made any attempt to defend Republicans many of whom have voted for him in the past and some even yesterday.

  13. Mathias also said he did not read the last minute budget bill in 2011 that terminated state retiree prescription drug coverage. Don't piss off us old folks - we're retired and have time to vote.

  14. The local TV stations are as bad as The Daily Times......only give the happy news about democrats, do not mention those nasty Republicans.

  15. This election has proven to me how much I hate Mary Beth Carozza. How much she is so selfish and inconsiderate of her own people. This race was about her and her only. Screw the other Republicans, it was all about her winning. She could care less about the other candidates. She was just as much garbage as Jim Mathias was. Here and her people were just as pathetic and disgusting as Jim and his little groupies were.

    From this point on I will never support that woman or any of her little groupies. I will never attend another fundraiser, I will never write another check and I will never vote for that selfish, evil woman. Oh, and I won't forget your groupies either.


    1. Do you even know Carozza or are you just shooting off at the mouth, Carl? Sound like you’re jealous of this woman in some way. Doesn’t that make you look petty & immaire? It certainly doesn’t mean anything to anyone else that you don’t like someone. Why should anyone care? Get my point?

  16. I agree that when Jim Mathias signed on to the residential sprinkler ordinance that legislation helped to sign his political death warrant. He and Norm Conway were the only two easternshore representatives that voted for this job kulling and gut wrenching legislation.

  17. Before the advent of the internet, both Jim Mathias and Norman Conway would have gotten away with for voting in support of the residential sprinkler ordinance (HB-366). But now, with all of the internet public access to their actual voting record they both should have realized that their votes supporting this job killing regulation - they would be found out. Their own voting record is what dethroned them.


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