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Friday, October 05, 2018

Relative Says Christine Blasey Ford Threw ‘Witness’ Leland Keyser ‘Under the Bus’

Leland Keyser’s relative has accused Christine Blasey Ford of throwing her “witness” and lifelong friend–Keyser–“under the bus.” This family member also sounds skeptical of Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Ford, the woman whose accusations of sexual conduct have crumbled under scrutiny, claimed that Keyser, a lifelong friend since high school, would validate her allegation.

Instead, Keyser said in a statement that she not only does not remember the house party where the 1982 incident allegedly took place, but she also has never even met Kavanaugh.

Although Ford’s story has countless discrepancies already, the fact that all three of her witnesses come down on the side of Kavanaugh–including her lifelong friend, Keyser–has blown the biggest hole in Ford’s shaky credibility. (They either do not remember the gathering or refute it completely.)

During her testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ford was asked about Keyser, and according to the Daily Mail, Keyser’s family is furious about what happened next.

What Ford told the committee about Keyser struck many as an attempt by Ford to attack her friend with the claim that Keyser would remember the incident if her health were not so bad, or that her health struggles forced her to lie because she does not have the strength to tell the truth.

Here is what Ford said:


  1. Funny how the truth is taken by those who don't expect it.

  2. His accuser was so freaking drunk, she didn't even know where she was, much less who accosted her. And then she "testified" about the experience. Her experience was that she was the "blackout drunk" during her high school years, and she has no clue what she did (or didn't do) with boys during the drunken parties she attended. We had a name for girls like that in high school..."Easy."


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