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Friday, October 05, 2018

Cherokee Woman Blasts Warren For 'Lies' About Native American Ancestry

'Racial identity theft' and cultural appropriation

A Cherokee woman and Democratic activist denounced Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) for her "lies" about being Native American and accused the likely presidential candidate of cultural appropriation and "racial identity theft."

Warren, who listed herself as a minority in law school based on her papaw's "high cheekbones" and was recognized as Harvard Law's "first woman of color" will not receive the support of Rebecca Nagle.

Writing in the Huffington Post, Nagle, a citizen of Cherokee Nation who identifies as a "two-spirit," says Warren should not become president because of her "false claims" of Native American ancestry.

"As a registered Democrat, I agree with a wide range of Warren's policies," Nagle writes. "But as a Cherokee woman, I cannot support her until she rescinds her false claims of Cherokee and Delaware heritage."

"Racial identity theft is normally not socially acceptable," Nagle said.



  1. It could be all cleared up instantly with a DNA test.
    Her refusal shows that she is a typical lying politician.

  2. Stay on her and do not let anyone forget her lies.

  3. Obviously she lied about being a minority for college. Doesn't she owe the University some money for discounted rate for tuition.

  4. Typical democrat There isn't an honest one alive. democrats are ALL liars. democrats are all the worst humanity has to offer. Lying trash all of them.


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