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Friday, October 05, 2018

Maryland's Elijah Cummings could become chief Trump investigator if Democrats win the House

The congressman who could become President Donald Trump’s recurring political nightmare has photos on his office walls of himself with anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, pathbreaking boxer Muhammad Ali and civil rights activist Coretta Scott King.

Each were fighters of a sort, and Rep. Elijah Cummings says he is, too. The Baltimore Democrat’s battles usually involve pushing back as best he can on Trump administration policies and practices.

He might possess a booming voice, but Cummings — the top Democrat on the Republican-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee — lacks the ability to compel documents or witnesses, meaning his 64 subpoena requests remained tucked away for now like dormant volcanoes waiting to erupt.



  1. That racist whack job belongs in a padded cell, not a position of increased responsibility.

  2. Without the mob behind him, he's just another loudmouth in search of followers.

  3. Take it easy, concerned folks.

    We'll be safe from these people getting power. Mouth is all you have to contend with.

  4. The Black Caucus better known as supporters of the Anarchist which flyes the Nazi flag of Hitler's "secret society". Yet they are the ones attempting to erase history of the Civil War and the flying of the Naval Jack. Full blown hypocrites.

  5. Get out there and vote Republican even if your 90 y/o grandma has to push you there 10 miles in a wheel barrow.

  6. Don't worry he is to dumb to make any difference

  7. And explain the truth of what is going on to those you know who still watch the major tv channels because they know of nothing else. It's an old habit for some of our elderly neighbors.

  8. I voted today by mail and I voted all republican. I even looked up Judges names that where being considered for continued service. If appointed by a Democrat I voted the judge be removed so to speak. Actually discontinue his services.

  9. Product of a gerrymandered district and affirmative action. Dumb as a brick, couldn’t pass an 8th grade civics test or and MVA drivers test.

  10. He is a failure trying to revive any semblence of power. His district is the worst in the nation. So why are we even listening to anything the ignorant racist failre has to say.


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