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Friday, October 05, 2018

Dershowitz: If Evidence Shows Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Committed Perjury – She Belongs in Prison (VIDEO)

Noted author and attorney Alan Dershowitz joined Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the evolving charges against Brett Kavanaugh by accuser Julie Swetnick.

Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick spoke with NBC News on Monday about the claims she brought forth against Brett Kavanaugh.
Julie Swetnick spoke to NBC’s Kate Snow and curiously, her story against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has evolved over the past several days. Ms. Swetnick, in a sworn statement says she was a victim of one of these “gang” or “train” rapes where Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were present. BUt her story keeps changing and she has no witnesses.

On Wednesday night Alan Deshowitz told Tucker that Swetnick should be tried and jailed if she committed perjury.


1 comment:

  1. Republicans need to show more backbone and punish those who committed perjury by changing their story.


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