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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Is Anyone Surprised The Daily Times Endorsed Heath?

Having been through the experience of sitting down with the Editorial Board of the Daily Times and absolutely wowing them to no end with answers, only to learn they endorsed the Liberal instead. Wait just a minute Folks. The very day after the election results were in, the Daily Times, (honest to God) called me and said, "do you think that election was rigged"? That person went on to say, "not one person in this building actually believes Jim Ireton won". 

Yeah, their ENDORSEMENTS mean a lot, especially when the fix, (rig) is on. 

Well here at Salisbury News, I don't care what Jack Heath labels himself as, a Liberal, Independent or whatever, he's a left wing, I rarely ever go to Council Meetings and the biggest rubber stamping Idiot I've ever seen. There's NO leadership with this guy whatsoever. He's a puppet on a string lead by the nose from all of the special interest Good Ol' Boys in Salisbury. 

Now Bob Culver, (on the other hand) he's a man of his word and doesn't take crap from those Good Ol' Boys. I've known Bob for a lot of years Folks, he's genuine. Much like most Republicans will agree, we may not like many of the Twitter posts Trump puts out there but Lord knows we've desperately needed a businessman in the White House who doesn't kiss @ss to special interests, Culver is one in the same. 

So you take it from me Folks, Culver is your man and has had YOUR best interest in mind every single day. You better believe he's pissed some people off and guess what, just look where you see Jack Heath signs on commercial properties. Culver isn't bending over for anyone. Heath will give away anything and everything and you'll look exactly like Salisbury in six months.

Besides, even though Culver will win in a landslide, SBYNews will in fact give Jack Heath a Trophy because LIBERALS believe everyone is a winner and everyone deserves a Trophy.


  1. The good president has a reason for every move he makes and each tweet. He is and always will be ahead of the resistance. Tweet on Mr. President.

  2. The DT has been in the pocket of the local version of the Deep State for as long as anyone can remember.

  3. You should see the thread on Jakie Boy's facebook page. Talk about small town mayor syndrome. I don't know what is more crooked. The city government or his teeth. Doesn't the Army have better dental care?

  4. I vividly remember what The Daily Times stated when the revenue cap ballot initiative came around at election time;

    'It is a laughable matter' (in other words to be doomed at the polls by Wicomico's voters - emphasis added by commenter).

    The revenue property cap ballot initiative won by a public landslide garnering 72% of the county's registered voters.

    After reading all of the above - you know what I think about The Daily Times - it is the king of FAKE NEWS!

    1. If you google "OPINIONS" ( which is what the Culver/Heath endorsement is in the DT) you will learn OPINION is not NEWS (therefore it cannot be fake)
      I intend to vote for Culver because I prefer his platform over Heath's. That is not news, that is my choice (opinion). When we vote, we vote our opinions. MSM, such as the DT, announces the winner (NEWS - not OPINIONS) after the votes are counted.

  5. The Times has ALWAYS been in the pocket of the LEFT. Their love of anything Liberal/Good Ole' Boys network is on display daily. Ignore the Ignorant.

  6. That's a bad move for the Times , the times is so small now that will not make difference , also everything the liberals are doing is backfiring now . I gave up on the Times 15 years ago like most have done in the past. The small amount of readers get the times for the obituaries , soon will read "Daily Times passed away" while they pissed away real true news .

  7. Very well said Joe!!!!! How in the Hell this idiot got an endorsement is a mystery to me.

  8. Who reads the Times? I'd never known if you had not posted it.

  9. There's a tremendous amount of work and POSITIVE direction occurring with Executive Culver's leadership. Things ARE getting done throughout the county. Mr. Culver has a great team in place to continue moving the county forward.

    Has anyone else noticed Mr. Heath is most always looking down? Is he trying to find loose change to replenish the city treasury???

    1. He has to look down when talking to Culver.

    2. Shake up the council and let him shine. The council is gunning for culver. The bad practices of a council that brought on the creation of an executive is the sitting council you have now. Look at all the "code changes". They are trying to pull the power back from the executive to the point you won't need one. It will make the county government so ineffective nothing will get done if they keep on. The council hired their own lawyer (who voted on that?) so the county now pays for two lawyers to argue amongst each other. There is the county lawyer and the council lawyer. How much sense does that make? When you hear Bob T talk they don't agree with him so why are we paying for him? Fix the council and vote for culver and you will see the county shine like no other.

  10. A vote for Heath is a vote to make Wicomico County like Salisbury. It will mean higher taxes and needless spending .

  11. Don't know either candidate at all but my opinion is that I couldn't get out of the Salisbury area fast enough. It isn't growing except for the facade. Old businesses just used their tax break to sparkel a bit. Same old Salisbury. Can't even keep Starbucks at Gull plaza. Now you have rolly bolly; Starbucks and tuitti fruitt closed. What with that?

  12. The past few weeks of the Daily Times all out support of liberals have made me make up my mind.
    They still don't get the fact that the Eastern Shore in more conservative that it's ever been. I will not be renewing my subscription to this rag when it's time.

  13. A trophy, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  14. Jack Heath wants to remove the Revenue Cap and "Fully Fund" the school board for universal Pre-K and anything else they ask for. Who is going to pay for it? You are the dumb ass taxpayers who voted for Jack Heath.

    Guess who it is going to affect most? Poor people. That's right you renters it's going to affect you the most because your rent is going to go up astronomically. It is you ask? Of course it is, how do you think the property owner is going to pay for his properties that you are living in? He's going to pass it off on you unsuspecting dummies(their term) and raise your rents.

    You think you can't make ends meet now? Wait till your rents go up another $100 to $300 a month. Just wait.

    If you want to pay more taxes and higher rent, be stupid and vote Jack Heath.

    If you want to live with reduced taxes then vote for Bob Culver.

  15. Some dumb white dude with "White Guilt" made this post and Jake Day's post about the endorsement of Jack Heath.

    Timothy Stock - I think we can talk about our 3% property tax rate but we should also talk about our 16% poverty rate. Working on income inequality can help with the tax base, but lowering the property tax rate would likely be regressive (result in more inequality).

    Liked by: Michele Schlehofer, Sarah Meyers, Mickey Justice, Maria Gorman Pippen, James Yamakawa, Jacob Day

    Loved by: Michele Gregory, Amber Green

    Notice those names. All Socialists and Members of ANTIFA.

    Michele Gregroy? Isn't that the woman that wants to get elected to the County Council? The one that said she and Jamaad Gould wants the minimum wage to be $27 per hour in Wicomico? Who's going to vote for that?

  16. "Republican" Muir Boda commenting on Jake Day's post of the Daily Times endorsing the Liberal Rubber Stamper Jack Heath. Look at the BS he posted.

    The comments were asking Jake Day what Jack Heath's budget would look like if elected and it did sound like a legitimate question since Jake is endorsing Jack Heath and should know why he is endorsing Jack. Then Boda chimes in. Now we know who is behind Jack Heath running against Bob Culver.

    Muir Boda - Providing a theoretical budget, is not very practical. First, there are no parameters for what the revenues would be next year. Second, I would say that in a Jack Heath Administration he would not becoming back for multi-Million dollar adjustments because the process was not followed properly.

    How the budget prep should flow - Dept Heads (at this time right now) should be preparing for next year’s budget and submitting it to the executive by mid-January with instructions that the expenditures should be flat. The executive and staff should review the budget to ensure every category is included. Then review the CIP for infrastructure projects and capital purchases - equipment and school projects. Decide what should be paygo projects and what should be bonded. By reviewing the Fund Balance and ensuring there is 2.5 to 3.5 months of operating costs on hand you can determine what should be funded and how.

    Once all of that is reviewed you can look at the where is the budget standing - are we facing a deficit or a surplus. If it’s 2% deficit then you review the projects and see what is absolutely necessary and cut those. If they absolutely necessary, then you ask the Dept Heads to cut their budgets by 2%.

    If there is a projected surplus then we look at the revenue source - like the County Income tax which is at the highest rate Maryland Law will allow.

  17. Help me understand. I have watched many videos trying to understand.

    Heath only talks about his family, schools, and spending money. This guy is so broad in his speaking. I have not heard any details regarding the actual job or what this guy can do in the job. What is his vision for Wicomico County? He says he has one, why have we not heard it.

    Culver is obviously more experienced and as the Daily Times article said, Culver has done great things for the county in this position.

    Hamilton lacks any experience in government. Why is he not going for Council instead of Executive?

    My vote is for Culver.

  18. This person posted this on Jakes page about Jack getting her vote.

    Maria Gorman Pippen - All I can say is wow. Very entertaining. And enlightening as to the judgement of some people involved in this thread. Jack has my vote.

    Then I look at her page and she has this post. She was at the Governors rally in Fruitland.

    Maria Gorman Pippen
    October 18 at 7:55 PM ·

    Me Dan, and the Gov. And my friend Mary Beth Carozza. Vote. Red!!

    Vote Red? I've got news for you lady, Voting for Jack Heath isn't voting Red. Especially if you go by Jake Day's liberal agenda endorsement on his narcissistic Facebook post.

    Lady, I guess you can't see how Jake Day is against women unless you are a gay and liberal woman.

  19. I am confused, Mr. Heath moved here, he moved away, he came back. He thinks the schools are not of good quality, but, yet his daughters stay here to teach and raise their families in our school system. How does he measure quality education, by teachers’ salary, the test scores of students, or the condition of the schools?

    1. His one daughter is a teacher that pays other teachers for their lesson plans and the other is pyramid scam artist who is also a teacher that does more work selling drugs then actually doing teaching.

  20. Isn’t it true that Bob Culver built 2.5 schools during his term?


  21. What is the reserve fund in the City? Has it been raised or lowered since Heath has been in office?

  22. Heath’s track record is raising taxes. The city taxes are now higher than the county. The fees and water and sewer rates have been raised. And we are supposed to vote for this person because he is a nice guy?

    Vote Bob Culver!

  23. Muir Boda, Bunky Luffman and Carl Anderton are behind this and they are supposed to be leaders in the Republican Party. Why haven't they condemned Muir Boda yet? Why is Bunky Luffman still employed by the Governor and the Maryland Republican Party??

    He knew this was going on and he was a willing participant.

    #GovernorLarryHogan why is Bunk Luffman still employed by you?

  24. People are already fleeing Wicomico County. The tax base is getting smaller and smaller. How does Heath and his cronies think those of us stuck here can pay more to fund their pie in the sky ideas?

    Elect Heath and you will see people walking away from properties all over the county. Talk about a way to finish off Wicomico - put a spending liberal in office!!!

  25. Anonymous Leroy said...
    I am confused, Mr. Heath moved here, he moved away, he came back. He thinks the schools are not of good quality, but, yet his daughters stay here to teach and raise their families in our school system. How does he measure quality education, by teachers’ salary, the test scores of students, or the condition of the schools?

    October 21, 2018 at 4:31 PM

    BAAAAAAMMMMMM!!! You hit the dinger!

    I too want to know why Jack Heath left and came back if the schools are so bad? If they are so bad then WTF does he let his daughters teach there?

    If his daughters are teachers they are obviously liberal and that more than likely comes from the way they were raised by him.

    The fact that Jack Heath's daughters teach in the school system and he wants to lift the Revenue Cap to raise taxes to fully fund the School Board then something tells me that Jack Heath is trying to pad his daughters paychecks.

  26. If everyone puts their thinking hats on they will remember that Jack Heath is a loser and lost his elections to Debbie Campbell, Teri Cohen and Tim Spies.

    The only reason that he won this election is because Jim Ireton claimed some liberal NAACP bullshit and fought to redistrict and create 5 voting districts instead of the 2. He would have lost if this wasn't done.

  27. Jared Schablein said... Jacob Day I didn’t mean to tag you. I was speaking in general terms.

    John T Cannon any comment on your running mate’s constant public shenanigans?

    Like being involved with a white supremacist who harasses community leaders, going on misleading rants on social media platforms, openly campaigning on half-truths or blatantly false information, and of course a DUI.

    Please don’t tell me the level of partisan politics is so strong in Wicomico County that folks are willing to stay quiet and look the other way then do what is right.

    How are we supposed to get anything done if that is what is going on?

  28. Why wouldn't they? Everyone with a brain looking to get this county back under firm leadership should support Jack Heath!

  29. Anonymous said...
    Muir Boda, Bunky Luffman and Carl Anderton are behind this and they are supposed to be leaders in the Republican Party. Why haven't they condemned Muir Boda yet? Why is Bunky Luffman still employed by the Governor and the Maryland Republican Party??

    He knew this was going on and he was a willing participant.

    #GovernorLarryHogan why is Bunk Luffman still employed by you?

    October 21, 2018 at 4:58 PM

    Wrong. They had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. get your facts straight. Bunky works on the campaign side. He left his job that he had with the Governor. Goes to show you dont know as much as you think you do. Why condemn Muir Boda? He is entitled to his opinions just as any of you are. Muir serves on the county council and i have no doubt that he knows more of whats going on within the city then most of you do. e has a right to support anybody that he wants to just as you do. If you think that either of these can control Jack or Jake then you are delusional. Nobody is losing votes for Culver but Culver. I know i for one will not be voting for Culver ever again. This behavior is turning people off and ive talked to several people that will not be voting for Culver because of this kind of bs. I will also be encouraging everybody i know to vote against Culver. Keep cheering!

  30. I met / ran into Boda in Walmart. Asked him a Walmart question and his reply was "I don't know it's not my job". That's VERY revealing about his mentality.

    The Day / Heath relationship should give everyone pause. Since the County has a large surplus $$ reserves why is there ANY discussion of removing the cap and taxing more.

    You population is over 40% in poverty.

    Your current and prospective leaders are complete idiots - IMO.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Shake up the council and let him shine. The council is gunning for culver. The bad practices of a council that brought on the creation of an executive is the sitting council you have now. Look at all the "code changes". They are trying to pull the power back from the executive to the point you won't need one. It will make the county government so ineffective nothing will get done if they keep on. The council hired their own lawyer (who voted on that?) so the county now pays for two lawyers to argue amongst each other. There is the county lawyer and the council lawyer. How much sense does that make? When you hear Bob T talk they don't agree with him so why are we paying for him? Fix the council and vote for culver and you will see the county shine like no other.

    October 21, 2018 at 9:34 PM

    You are totally clueless you idiot. Not one person on this council had anything to do with the County Executive form of government, the Voters did. Are you that damn stupid that you don't know how a government runs?

    The bad practices of a council that brought on the creation of an executive is the sitting council you have now.
    Why are you saying vote for Culver if it was a bad practice to have a county executive form of government?? SMDH.

    The council hired their own lawyer (who voted on that?) so the county now pays for two lawyers to argue amongst each other.
    If you knew anything about County Executive forms of government you would know that both branches have their own attorneys. You are obviously too stupid to vote. Please stay home on November 6.

  32. I would bet that yes maybe Boda told you he didn’t know and was t his job but I’m betting it wasn’t a snide arrogant reply as you imply.

  33. 9:51 Reply comment sounds like it might be Mike Dunn.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Shake up the council and let him shine. The council is gunning for culver. The bad practices of a council that brought on the creation of an executive is the sitting council you have now. Look at all the "code changes". They are trying to pull the power back from the executive to the point you won't need one. It will make the county government so ineffective nothing will get done if they keep on. The council hired their own lawyer (who voted on that?) so the county now pays for two lawyers to argue amongst each other. There is the county lawyer and the council lawyer. How much sense does that make? When you hear Bob T talk they don't agree with him so why are we paying for him? Fix the council and vote for culver and you will see the county shine like no other.

    October 21, 2018 at 9:34 PM

    Shake up the council and let him shine?

    Do you even know WTF you said?? Do you want Jamaad Gould, Michele Gregory Josh Hastings on the Council? Do you want Bill McCain, Alex Scott on the Council??

    Do you really think Bob is going to "Shine" with those far left wingnut Socialist on the Council? You are obviously TOO STUPID to vote!

  35. Now why isn't anyone discussing the fact that Jack Heath allowed this major embezzlement to occur under his watch as CEO of the Lower Shore Enterprises, not even the Daily Times?

    Why isn't Jack Heath disclosing this when he brags about "When I was a CEO??

    Woman pleads guilty in Lower Shore Enterprises theft
    vjunkin@dmg.gannett.comPublished 5:25 p.m. ET Aug. 6, 2014

    • Brenda Malone, 43, of Willards pleaded guilty to theft: $10,000 to under $100,000 on Monday.
    • She will have to pay $75,952.05 in restitution to Lower Shore Enterprises, her former employer.
    • Malone was sentenced to 10 years of suspended time.

    A Willards woman avoided an active prison sentence in an internal theft from Lower Shore Enterprises, but will have to pay more than $75,000 in restitution to the nonprofit.
    Brenda Malone, 43, pleaded guilty to a count of theft: $10,000 to under $100,000 on Monday, and she was sentenced to 10 years of suspended time. Two other theft counts were dismissed against Malone, who was formerly a Lower Shore Enterprises employee.
    As a condition of her five-year supervised probation, Malone will have to pay back $75,952.05 to Lower Shore Enterprises, according to court records. If she were to violate her probation by not paying the restitution, she could face up to 10 years in prison.
    Lower Shore Enterprises is a nonprofit based in Salisbury that helps local people with disabilities find work.
    Wicomico County Deputy State's Attorney Ella Disharoon said Lower Shore Enterprises wanted Malone to pay the restitution and have a felony conviction –– which she now does.
    "It was more important to them that the money be repaid than for her to go to jail," Disharoon said.
    Malone's defense attorney, John Phoebus, said the Division of Parole and Probation will determine a restitution schedule for Malone to pay the money back over time.
    He said she decided to take the plea "primarily because it avoided any active period of incarceration for her at all."
    The binding nature of the plea agreement made it so that the sentence would be suspended, Phoebus said. Disharoon said the binding plea also included the restitution and the 5-year period of probation.
    By making the guilty plea, Malone has accepted responsibility, Phoebus said.

    "She was being provided family health insurance coverage without Lower Shore Enterprises' authorization," Disharoon said.
    The allegations are detailed by the state in an answer to a defense motion filed in June.
    "The specific allegations of theft are that the Defendant, without authority or consent, paid her husband's business' federal income tax debt using funds of LSE; that the Defendant took money to which she was not entitled from a health insurance refund check issued to LSE; and that the Defendant authorized health insurance benefits to which she was not entitled for years 2005 to 2012," according to part of that court document.
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    The total amount of theft alleged in the file is not included in the restitution amount because Malone had already paid back some of it, Disharoon said.
    Lower Shore Enterprises is moving forward without Malone. In February, Luis Luna, who at the time was CEO of the nonprofit, said Malone hadn't been with the organization since September 2012.
    She had been chief operating officer for about six years, and began working there in 1989 as a receptionist.
    "It's a new day for Lower Shore; we're happy to put it behind us and move on," said Lauri Andrews, director of client services at Lower Shore Enterprises, on Wednesday.


  36. Please get the word out that Jack Heath was in charge of the Lower Shore Enterprises when that Malone girl stole thousands of dollars and he knew about it.

    Stop bragging Jack Heath and own up to your girl who stole under your employment.

  37. Letter to the Editor

    I just saw a Facebook page by Former Wicomico County Sheriff's Captain Mike Elliott and it had for his profile picture a picture of Jack Heath's campaign sign. Then he tagged some "Friends" and spewed out his support for Jack Heath. Given Mike Elliot's criminal background, Cast of Characters tagged and his poor grammar it makes me wonder why Jack's family would support such a poor endorsement from a known criminal. I will post a link below of your own story on the Criminal Mike Elliott. Mike Elliott got arrested for embezzling thousands of dollars in Sussex County Delaware and ironically Brenda Malone, an employee who worked under Jack Heath got arrested for embezzlement from that organization. What is it with Jack Heath and his cronies that steal?

    Michael Elliott is with George Whited Jr., Donna Hastings Elliott, Jodi Elliott Magaletti, Robert Harris, Brian Briggs, Emory Leonard, Laura Heath Becker,,Bill Martin,,Cathy J. Townsend, Linda Grohowski Heath, Laura Nicholson, Richard A. Hoppes, Ralph Osborne, Eric Elliott, Cody Elliott, Cindy Bussells Burton, Rick Pollitt, Gene Cook, George Whited III, Lanae Schuster, Rick Taylor, Richard Elliott, Dave Magaletti

    Remember folks early voting is still going on in Wicomico County Md.
    Vote for strong leadership for Wicomico County Executive!
    One who has leadership skills, strategic planning, comprehensive planning skills, and does not re-act but is proactive!

    I am a Republican however I am also a common sense type person who wants the best educated person who has run successful corporate businesse(s) understands government practices policy procedures and will work with Department heads. Being proactive in bringing great jobs here, providing public safety and supporting our education system.

    A big plus working with our town leader's on smart growth which would benefit the entire county. There is currently no communication with town leader's or working partnership with town leader's or our county council!

    Just watch Pack 14 you never see our elected county Executive up at the table in front of the table to county council meetings.
    It is always the director of administration. We voted for an executive who we want to see and here from at these meetings and out in our rural communities.

    Being a smart REPUBLICAN is not marking straight down the ballot choices for all republicans just because you are a friend. Do they have the business sense, common sense and knowledge of budgets, comprehensive planning, human resource education, strategic planning!! These are smart selections to having successful people in elected positions who can lead great department head's in having success for our citizens and county.

    Just look at all the endorsements our newly elect County Executive Jack Heath has received.

    LIKED By: Michael Elliott, Rick Pollitt, Erica Frostrom Cummins, Linda Grohowski Heath, Amy Livingston
    Sunday, August 16, 2015
    BREAKING NEWS: Former Wicomico County Sheriff's Captain Mike Elliott
    Arrested: Being Extradited To Delaware


    Sunday, February 09, 2014
    State Of Maryland vs Brenda K Malone




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