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Sunday, October 28, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Apparently this goes on at every game at Ravens stadium during Anthem. UNBELIEVABLE!


  1. Don't get excited. There aren't many of them.

  2. Civil War is Coming.

  3. And they wonder why half the stadium is empty

  4. No wonder why there are so many empty seats.

  5. Traitors!!!!
    Second year of boycotting the games completely!

  6. This is what happens when you react poorly, and blow things way out of proportion, and start DEMANDING that people do things because it makes you uncomfortable.

    If no one had made a big deal about Kaepernick, no one would be talking or doing anything about it today. You've created a martyr, and at this point it doesn't matter if what he was protesting is true or not.

    But no, we made demands, "how dare he", "you better stand".... and trivialized what his intentions were, misguided may they have been.

    You know what might have worked? Supporting his right to do what he did, supporting the decision a company made about their employee, listening to what he had to say, then presenting arguments to the contrary and letting the marketplace of ideas select the what's right and best.

    But that's not how it was handled. We made it about anything other than whats it's intention was. We are at fault.

    Instead of focusing on ourselves, we focused on forcing others to comply with what made us feel warm and fuzzy, and that's not freedom or liberty.

    You wanna know who is responsible for this? If this picture offends you, then go look in a mirror at who is responsible for this.

    1. Oh, you poor misguided simpleton. The entire BLM movement was completely debunked by fact yet the story is clung to as gospel. If you have been watching and reading up on this anytime in the last year and a half, you would have seen this. I do support your right, and theirs (in the picture) to freedom of expression, lets be sure we are all on the same page: 1) the NFL is a private business 2) NFL players have a right to the first amendment (but not during their work hours for their employer) 3) Should any us who are privately employed do anything similar, would be terminated under the ‘At Will’ provisions of the state of Maryland (and many others) and finally, stop glorifying professional athletes to some status they do not deserve to be ascribed to.

  7. What else is there to do when you don't have a job?

  8. These protesters should be angry at the Democratic Party, not the country.

  9. Ok so that officer should have a stack of mugsheets in his hands and start identifying all the wanted offenders! Bet there wouldn't be many left kneeling then!!!!!!

  10. and the attendance shows the disapproval of this trash.

  11. This is sick not the time or the place. You can't act like an American leave.

  12. that one guy in the middle right looks like bill clinton

  13. Get a bus - transport to Baltimore peer - and put on a slow boat to China. Not welcome in America.

  14. how sad is that...ignorant and clueless at best.

  15. 209 thats the spirit. It is so unAmerican to speak your mind. Either conform to what someone else tells you is right or leave. LOL

  16. 1:15 as a former marine this doesn't really offend me for several reasons. I just see a typical democrat turnout which is about all they do any more. I just wonder if they are there on their own or who's paying them and how much? is that tax reportable income? And no I did not create or am responsible for these fools, I blame the democrat controlled schools for these failures! but alas I will continue to take the prudent measures needed and enjoy my educated life in the meantime!
    Semper Fi

  17. Ravens suck. NFL sucks. Trump is making us great again I don't need football.

  18. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 23, 2018 at 3:40 PM

    Those are not Ravens fans, they didn't come for the game. These are Paid Protesters kneeling in front of M&T Bank Stadium. They were probably bussed in by Democrats, funded by Soros.

    1. Send these POS to dover AFB and watch the soldiers coffins come off

  19. I don't understand why most of you can not comprehend this. . This is NOT disrespect to the American flag. This is a peaceful protest against people who have been mmurdered by the police the injustices.

    1. LOL then protest in front of police stations not at the flag it did not murder blacks better than that stop the BIG PROBLEM black on back murder. Solve a real problem not the feel good issue

  20. 3:48 You mean the people who disobeyed a direct order by the police and paid the price?

  21. This IS disrespect to our country, American flag and national anthem. We stand with law enforcement. Thank God that Donald Trump is our President. Looking forward to his re-election in 2020.

  22. Need to walk a drug sniffing K-9 around those fools and lock every one of them up. You KNOW they have drugs on them.


  23. Harm City Chamber of Commerce photo?

    SocialistDemocrat cell meeting?

    1:15 got it exactly 180 degrees wrong. All of these millionaires are on 'company time' when they're dressed and on the field. SF let him get the camel's nose under the tent and the rest of the followers stampeded in the same direction. If 49ers never win another game that would be fine.

    Those in the photo look well-fed, have new threads and could afford to get into the stadium. Oppressed? Hardly.

  24. 3:48 you just messin ain't you.

  25. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 23, 2018 at 5:48 PM

    Well, after looking closely at the picture, I noticed almost all protesters in black short sleeve shirts. Not in Raven gear. Ravens played 3 home games this season and All of them in cold, rainy weather. This picture looks like from summer time, maybe one of those "Democrats Against Trump Resistance" protests. That is one crazy bunch of Brainwashed Sheeple. Hey, bussed in and paid for by Democrats, just give 'em free ride and meal and they will be protesting anything you want them to. SMH.

  26. 1:15...you seem reasonable. Your error is thinking they would respond to reason and debate.
    You can't REALLY believe that our current crop of liberal dumb aces, who think nothing of attacking old men and women or couples out for dinner, would even LISTEN to a counter argument.
    You are dreaming.

  27. A good reason to never support the Ravens this made them official fools. Never should have been allowed.

  28. If I used my job for political stance, I would be fired.

  29. 3:48.....is that a government issued device you are using to send out stupid remarks from the lock up. You must be incarcerated to have such a ludicrous opinion. But as long as Trump is in office you will have that right to speak this trash. Maybe you have time to do some research correcting your inaccuracies. Best wishes for your return to society.

  30. A vote for Michele Gregory and Jamaad Gould is a vote for Black Lives Matter's racists like them.

    They are both members of ANTIFA that go to rallies, wear hoodies and masks and attack white people and Trump Supporters.

    It's a fact, I've been following them on FB for two years now ever since they joined up with James Yamakawa in that group called Showing Up For Racial Justice to protest the cops and now they are protesting ICE. They hate cops and white people. I've seen their pictures on Facebook from their protests and many of them have since been taken down because they are trying to steal the election on the County Council. Their main goal is to tear down that General Winder plaque and put up a monument to memorialize the black guy that was allegedly lynched after he was arrested for murder.

    That's right Ladies and Gentleman, James Yamakawa, Jamaad Gould and Michele Gregory want to put up a memorial to honor a murderer because he is black and at your expense. If it's not done they will call you a White Supremacist.

  31. You would think they would by a ticket once in a while. Oh that's right. It's not FREE!! I wonder how many get a government assistance paycheck??

  32. Date night for Jamaad Gould and Michele Gregory.

  33. Most of sports is full of thugs anyway. It's rare if they do not have a criminal background. To hell with those fools. Not wasting my time watching such trash. They have made a mockery of sports.

  34. socialists...
    leave the USA and dont come back!

  35. @348
    you are a complete idiot 🤣😂😅

  36. well, it is in baltimore , so enough said, news out of baltimore is never good.

  37. I would say that Trooper in the pick is a badass and not worried about those BLM punks. Just look at him, he can hold his own.

  38. look what it is they don't know any better

  39. You all make me sick. First amendment, end of story. All blasting free speech are the true traitors here.



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