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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

WSJ: The #MeToo Kavanaugh Ambush

The woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a drunken assault when both were teenagers has now come forward publicly, and on Monday it caused Republicans to delay a confirmation vote and schedule another public hearing. Yet there is no way to confirm her story after 36 years, and to let it stop Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation would ratify what has all the earmarks of a calculated political ambush.

This is not to say Christine Blasey Ford isn’t sincere in what she remembers.

Mr. Kavanaugh denies all this “categorically and unequivocally,” and there is simply no way to prove it. The only witness to the event is Mr. Kavanaugh’s high school male friend, Mark Judge, who also says he recalls no such event. Ms. Ford concedes she told no one about it—not even a high school girl friend or family member—until 2012 when she told the story as part of couples therapy with her husband.

The vagaries of memory are well known, all the more so when they emerge in the cauldron of a therapy session to rescue a marriage. Experts know that human beings can come to believe firmly over the years that something happened when it never did or is based on partial truth. Mistaken identity is also possible.



  1. We cannot allow people to be tried and convicted on hearsay in this great country. Innocent before proven guilty and all these political setups the Democrats are playing is harmful to the public.
    They need to STOP.


  2. L'affair Feinstein and Blasey Ford is a blot on our republic. The accuser needs to put up or shut up.

  3. This #MeToo crowd had better be careful in all the accusations of sexual assault including this latest one with Dr. Ford. There have been so many lately and most all seem to be politically motivated. At some point this is going to backfire and get so no women is going to be beleived even if they truly were assulted. So you feminist will be to blame when no women can get justice. My advice for you before it is to late, take off your pussy hats (that includes Dr. Ford) and go home. In case you are interested, I am a women.

    1. Well said. I am female also.

    2. Spot on, and I’m a woman too!


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