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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bitter Hillary Clinton Is Still Complaining About Losing To Trump

‘It’s Hard to ignore racial subtext of virtually everything Trump says.’

The piece, entitled ‘American Democracy Is in Crisis’ was published by The Atlantic this week, with the catchy subtitle ‘Our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back.’

The opening sentence oozes bitterness, stating “It’s been nearly two years since Donald Trump won enough Electoral College votes to become president of the United States.”

Hillary still hasn’t gotten over her loss, still blames ‘the system’ and still hasn’t moved on.

“On the day after, in my concession speech, I said, ‘We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.’ I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown. They were not.” Clinton writes.

Within the text, Clinton again labels Trump as an open racist, declaring “It’s hard to ignore the racial subtext of virtually everything Trump says.”

“Often, it’s not even subtext,” she adds, referring to Trump’s infamous statement that some immigrants coming to the US are from “shithole countries.”

“None of this is a mark of authenticity or a refreshing break from political correctness,” Clinton continues, adding “Hate speech isn’t ‘telling it like it is.’ It’s just hate.”



  1. Hillary is hearing voices again, LOL!

  2. “Hate speech isn’t ‘telling it like it is.’ It’s just hate.”

    Like "basket of deplorables"?

    Mr Bob

  3. Oh how I love to hear that Hillary lost.

  4. It's hard to ignore the voices in your head that tell you something is there that isn't, millions of mentally ill will agree.

  5. She owes Satan and can't quit.


  6. Her speaking fees in prison will be considerably less.


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