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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Why Another FBI Investigation of Kavanaugh Would Be Pointless

Campaigns of whatever sort often adopt a mantra, a phrase, or even a single word that’s repeated over and over to advance the campaign’s goals. The campaign against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is no different, and its latest mantra is “FBI investigation.” Let’s look at this mantra’s objectives and its validity.

The call for another FBI investigation, which dominated the Sept. 27 hearing about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh, appears to have multiple partisan objectives, based on statements made by those opposed to his confirmation.

First, Kavanaugh’s opponents have expressed hope that the continued controversy will help defeat the nomination. Barring that, they have indicated that they want to drag the process out at least past Election Day. Third, according to Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Democrats would keep this seat open until President Donald Trump leaves office if they win control of the Senate in the upcoming election.

This demand for another FBI investigation is not valid and based on a complete misunderstanding of the bureau’s role. First, Kavanaugh’s opponents want people to think that the FBI is on standby, ready to run down all the leads and figure out what really happened.

That may be what a law enforcement agency does in the criminal justice system—as seen on TV—but not in the confirmation process.

That distinction between the criminal justice system and the confirmation process is critical. The FBI is in the executive branch, which has authority over the criminal justice system. The confirmation process, however, occurs in the legislative branch. The Constitution gives the Senate sole responsibility for evaluating presidential nominees.

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  1. What the FBI needs to be investigating this week is everything about Diane Feinstein, who bought the lie detector test, demand the full copy of the test so it can be made completely public in full and unredacted, what checks have been cashed by Avenetti and his staff, what the contents of the two envelopes passed were, and who has the Gofundme money. Who set up those accounts? Clearly Ford said she did not, so somebody did. who has access to the funds and what is happening in their bank accounts?

    THAT's what the FBI needs to look into so that these Democrats can be stopped from destroying our Constitutional processes provided us to set up a proper Constitutional Government and stop them from meddling in our election processes.

  2. It's no pointless if it wastes everyone's time and keeps the clock ticking. It's the Dems' way.


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