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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Schumer: Kavanaugh ‘Should Withdraw From Consideration’

During a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw his nomination and President Trump should pull Kavanaugh’s nomination if Kavanaugh won’t step aside voluntarily.

Schumer said, “I strongly believe Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration and the president should withdraw this nomination if Kavanaugh won’t do it voluntarily. If he will not, at the very least, the hearing and vote should be postponed while the FBI investigates all of these very serious and very troubling allegations.”



  1. Schumer looks like a large mouth bass I caught last week.

  2. Schumer needs to bite the dust no body wants to hear from him his 15 minutes was up 20 years ago.

  3. I strongly believe that about half of the Senators present for that circus should withdraw from the Senate. That would cover just about all of the Democratic Senators except for Sen. Graham. He at least was honest about what was going on. I watched it Thursday and it made me so sick I couldn't watch the "recap" on Friday before the vote. Couldn't believe the Republicans gave in on the "FBI investigation." Cripes, the man has already been investigated by the FBI six times.

    1. Senator Graham is a republican who ran for president in 2016.

  4. And this jerk should shut up and sit down

  5. How much has Schumer and his other Anarchist Politians have withdrawn money from this secret fund they established to pay of their sex accusers. Why is the news media not reporting on this slush fund and audit it so we the People can be informed?

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 29, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    Yes, Schmucky Schumer needs to shut up, but he won't. He loves blabbing lies over and over. The only way to get this Swamp Creature out is by vote. I sure hope those NY voters finally wake up and get rid of this clown.

  7. Schumer looks like a large mouth bass I caught last week.

    September 29, 2018 at 12:46 PM

    Would look better with a rusty hook in that trap or maybe a five knuckle sandwich, 12:46.

  8. Looks like he should be on his knees.

  9. Please make him go away, along with Pelosi, Feinstein, Pocohantas, and crooked Hillary. If we could get rid of those 5 the Country would be a better place.

  10. Kavanugh should.....right after Schumer, Maxine, Pelosi and Flake!

  11. And the FBI needs to interrogate Basey-Ford fully on her accusations just like anyone else would be, no kid gloves because she is in the news. And if most of her answers to critical questions is is "I don't know" then like any other it needs to go no further just like any other investigation, if there are no details to follow up on then the investigation needs to be shut down!


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