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Friday, September 28, 2018

Trump OWNS Reporter "You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty Not The Other Way Around"


  1. Unless you’re Hillary Clinton. Then you’re guilty no matter what! Hypocrites!

  2. JOE

    that pos sen flake is going to FLAKE OUT.

  3. Only applies to liberal bullying Anarchist Democrats.

  4. I heard what she had to say and it wasn't much.

    No date
    No location
    No facts

    Just a bare allegation.

  5. my question(s) did she really believe what she was saying? did she make it all up? was she hired to do this?

  6. She is an elite snowflake who was slighted and wanted revenge. Kavanaugh mother forclose on Ford's parents very expensive house in Potomic MD. Only we're the wealthy DC people lived. She wrote a letter and the Dems took over. She didn't Known what hit her. She is now their puppet. She is book smart but no common sense. One must feel sorry for her. Dems are low life especially republican Flake.


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