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Friday, September 28, 2018

Rachel Mitchell Demolishes Christine Blasey Ford's Claim She Fears Flying

Investigative counsel Rachel Mitchell, cross-examining Christine Blasey Ford at the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, demolished her claim that she could not testify on Monday because she was afraid of flying.

Ford and her attorneys refused a Monday hearing, arguing that she was afraid to fly. One of her friends even claimed that her fear of flying was a result of the alleged assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh over 35 years ago.

Watch the exchange:


  1. Yes she got caught that time !!! I saw it on tv LIVE !!

    Good Prosecuter !!!

  2. How low can they go?

  3. She just laughed it off.

    Good Democrat! Good girl! Here's a treat.

  4. She lied about flying, # of boys from 2 - 4, didn't know who pushed her in the bedroom from behind then she stated it was the Judge and his friend, 4 boys pulled Kavanaugh and Judd off her then they rolled off and she escaped, her friend was there with the other boys then they were downstairs. Must I go on.

  5. I wasn't thrilled with Mitchell but she also brought out that Ford was never told Senate investigators would come to her in CA. Senator Grassley made this offer to her attorney who was supposed to relay it to Ford.
    It was also brought to light that Ford at one point was saying only 2 people were at the home then 4.

  6. It was also brought to light that the Dems recommended Ford's lawyers. She has no clue how they are being paid. All she knows is that she isn't paying them. And there are several crowdfunding sites set up for her. One of them happens to be at about 600,000.00 right now. Guess it behooved her to get up there and tell her "story" after all.


  7. Was Ford ever assaulted in the manner she claims? Can't say, and her recent recollection (2012) occurred during marriage therapy.

    Let's give her benefit of the doubt that she had a traumatic experience somewhere along the line. But she offers zero details beyond citing several names. No other details re: time, place, transport. And those she named, including a life-long friend say they were not there.

    Lots of perfect strangers were willing to vouch for her. But her parents and sibs were noticeably absent as signatories or public advocates. Weigh that!

    PhD in Psychology without any notion of how polygraph works? And the Democrat used polygraph operator asked her two softball questions only. Or who paid for it? Or who was paying her high profile Democrat lawyers? Or the fear of flying? Or that she sought out Wash Post writer while asking Feinstein for privacy? None of these points pass the smell test. Occam's Razor-A setup!

  8. AND she said she didn't know that DC would come to her in Cali. I heard Graham read the email on tv to her lawyers stating that. He suggested someone should ask her lawyers about that.

  9. She also had sex in the planes bathroom while heading to Hawaii.

  10. One of her friends even claimed that her fear of flying was a result of the alleged assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh over 35 years ago.

    WTF does flying have to do with some made up sexual assault 35 years ago??

    The Sh!t is getting deep, bunch of damn lying Democrats.


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