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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

'Threats of Rape and Strangling' Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet

Last week, PJ Media contributor and Fox News guest Denise McAllister sent out a powerful tweet denouncing the abortion movement. Little did she know, days later she would be in hiding, scared for her life. When she went public about receiving death and rape threats, pro-abortion Twitter users championed the threats against her.

"At the root of [abortion] hysteria is women’s unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament," McAllister tweeted. "It’s abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world’s civilizing force to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity."

As if to prove McAllister's point about depravity, abortion activists jumped on her case, calling her everything from crazy to misogynist to a supporter of "The Handmaid's Tale."

But the real danger came from elsewhere. McAllister told PJ Media that she received death and rape threats, over multiple forms of private communication.

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