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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Scalise Warns: ‘Some On The Left’ Are ‘Inciting’ Violence

The political left needs to do a better job of policing its members who are “inciting” violence, according to House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, who narrowly survived a politically-motivated mass assassination attempt in July 2017.

Noting recent instances of violence against Republicans, Scalise said that “some on the left are inciting this violence and frankly they should be called out on it.” He added that some Democrats are “almost encouraging” political violence.

The Louisiana Republican made the comments on an episode of Republican Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy’s podcast, Plaidcast, which aired on Friday.

“You’ve got some people on the Left, that just want this idea of resist and ignore the fact that [Trump] is president, they want to interrupt the ability of congress to do its job and of course you’ve got death threats and literal attacks on lives and frankly I want to see the Left stand up to this,” Scalise said.

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[Related: GOP Office Set On Fire Two Days After Opening — Police Say It Was Intentional ]

1 comment:

  1. Not "almost encouraging" violence. They are soliciting violence and some are being paid to do just that. It has already been witnessed and reported.


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