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Thursday, September 20, 2018

This Happened in Willards


  1. Must have been a politician, maybe a Mayor.

  2. Hey, a little better description would be nice so that every man riding a bicycle anywhere near Willards isn't a suspect in everyone's mind. Thanks!

  3. To 7:00 AM. Your comment is idiotic and disrespectful of the situation.

  4. How did the guy get in the home? Door unlocked, or was he let in?

    Either way, I'm a big dude and my doors are locked and my alarm is on when I'm home. If anyone I don't know were to ring my doorbell, I wouldn't answer it, and I certainly wouldn't let them in.

    If someone was in my house asking for water, they'd be cursed out and thrown out of the house and the door locked behind them. If they seem genuinely in need of the water, a bottle would be thrown in the yard, as I yelled at them to get the hell of my property.

    Sorry for the victim blaming, but I swear people need some common sense.

  5. September 20, 2018 at 8:23 AM:

    Keep in mind that some people have narrow minds and a one track agenda with their comments, no matter what the subject of the post..

  6. Did this guy appear homeless, kinda dirty, stringy hair?

  7. Her mother needs to be in some kind of assisted living if she is letting strangers into her house, when she is alone. She is not competent with her safety.

  8. Hey Blair. How about warning your mother about the dangers of letting strangers into her home, instead of trying to warn others about the foolish mistake your mother made.

  9. There is a homeless (sort of) living around here that rides a bike everywhere. What did this man look like? It could be this guy.


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