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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Congressman Andy Harris Supports Providing $1 Billion Toward Opioid Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC: On Wednesday, September 19, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded over $1 billion to target the opioid crisis around the country. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SMHSA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will provide millions of dollars in the form of opioid response grants to combat the devastating crisis.

Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01), a physician and member of the Health and Human Services subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement in response to the announcement of funds to target the opioid crisis:

“As a physician and member of the Committee on Appropriations, I am proud to support the Department of Health and Human Services in providing over $1 billion to help communities and healthcare providers combat the opioid epidemic. These grants will provide for medication-assisted addiction treatment, first responders treating overdoses, and increasing overall access to overdose treatment.

The opioid epidemic claims thousands of lives in Maryland each year, and today we have sent the American people a clear message that finding a solution to prevent this ongoing public health crisis is a top priority for the federal government. Although there is still much to be done, I remain committed to working closely with President Trump, Governor Hogan, and my colleagues in Congress to ultimately end this public health crisis.”


  1. #1 how much of that $1B will flow back to his medical establishment and big pharm buddies?

    #2 This is all a bunch of BS. Funny how when it was poor folks dealing with mental illness, PTSD, extreme poverty, etc. getting into crack, the solution was jail. Now that its soccer mom and your teen daughters putting their mouths on any man willing to cough up some drug money, its a crisis that deserves billion dollar treatment solutions.

    1. Just say no, War on drugs, cops on streets, zero tolerance for drug dealers, super predators, bring them to heal, three strikes your out!! All quotes from politicians in the White House the past 40 years... do you live under a rock or just watch CNN talking points? every year someone like you makes the same comment " government didn't care when it was poor people but now they do because it's WHITE SOCCER MOMS" suck bs. This is just another hussle for shell company owned rehab centers to make money. Snowflake

  2. give em what they want, lots of opioids, until they are no more! problem solved and the drug companies make a fortune which in turn they can give to the politicians! no more drug addicts and we save a bil
    so tired of hearing how we have to financially support deviant lifestyles! total bs!

  3. Funny you dont say squat about the government corruption crisis. Now you wanna spend like that drunkin sailor Hogan. Your really starting to worry conservative voters. Being passive was bad enough, now throwing good money after bad....I guess you, like Hogan, think WE dont have a choice?

  4. Politicians sure know how to waste tax dollars.

  5. 858, reading is fundamental sir/maam. I distinctly stated "the solution was jail". Not "government didn't care". In your rush to comment instead of thinking critically, you also prove my point. Most of the initiatives you mention were spearheaded by laws/policies to throw folks in jail, not treat them as ill people who just happened to go down the wrong path.

    But I see we do agree on point #1 so I guess I'll take that and move on.

  6. their solution is to deny/restrict opioids to EVERYBODY, including the ones who need them. which is essentially no solution at all. People who need them will suffer more, the ones who want them to get high or whatever will still get them and/or switch to other drugs. More education is needed not more laws. Please stop believing everything a politician or even the police tell you. They will lie and have incentives to lie. Do some research. Or not. Educate yourself or remain uneducated. Believe the lies or learn the truth. Believe the myths or find the facts.


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