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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Texas Declares ‘Final Victory’ in Voter ID Lawsuit

A United States District Court judge dismissed the lawsuit which challenged the Texas voter ID law, announced Attorney General Ken Paxton late Monday.

The 2017 Texas voter ID law (SB 5) cleared its final hurdle when the Fifth Circuit honored a request made last month by the opponents of the state’s voter ID law to dismiss any remaining claims since the matter was settled and there was nothing left to pursue in this case. This marked the end of seven years of litigation over the state’s attempts to enact a voter ID law.

“I’m proud of the successful fight my office waged to defend Texas’ voter ID law,” said Paxton in a prepared statement. “With this major legal victory, voter ID requirements remain in place going forward to prevent fraud and ensure that election results accurately reflect the will of Texas voters.”



  1. Whaaaaaaaaat????? A federal court upheld a common sense law. WTF!!??
    We have just entered another dimension.....

    1. They are scared of our President Trump.

      I love this

  2. Common sense law, huh? About time the winds swing in favor of "truly" common sense. Purchase alcohol, cig's, enter a court house or airport, you need I.D. Unless you favor voter fraud and corruption...


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