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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

50 Days Away

Wow - we are only 50 days away from Election Day 2018! And, for some of you, early voting begins in three weeks!

Whether you are a candidate, campaign staffer, volunteer in a local organization, or just an independent concerned citizen, there are actions you can take now to help ensure integrity in your local elections.

Here’s what should be on your radar:

1) If you are part of a political campaign or organization, you should be finalizing your election integrity plans. This should include identifying locations in which volunteers are needed and recruiting and training to make sure all positions will be well covered. Coverage plans should also include early voting sites and pre and post-election activities (like reviewing mail-in ballots and assisting at centralized collection points). 

2) Make a last big push for recruiting volunteers. We’ve found processes run best when there are at least three poll watchers per polling location. 

3) Register your intent to participate, as per your local processes. Typically, this means individuals sign up with a party or candidate of their choice, then the party or candidate notifies local election officials, however, every state process is a little different.

Click here to find your state election information on True the Vote's website 

Next week’s update will include details on True the Vote online poll watcher training - between now and then, drop us a note if you need us, and we’ll be quick to respond! 

We’re all in this together, my friends. If elections aren’t truly fair, we aren’t truly free. 


Catherine Engelbrecht
True the Vote

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