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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rubio Asks Whether Kerry Broke Federal Law by Meeting With Iranians

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) has asked the Department of Justice to determine whether former Secretary of State John Kerry broke federal law by meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister to try to preserve the Iran nuclear deal.

Rubio wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday requesting he determine if Kerry violated the Logan Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act through his meetings with Javad Zarif, his chief negotiating partner in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, Fox News reports:

The Logan Act prohibits unauthorized personnel to negotiate with a foreign government in relation to any disputes with the U.S., whereas the Foreign Agents Registration Act is a statute that requires persons or companies acting on behalf of foreign governments, political parties or individuals to disclose details of their interactions.

Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted his predecessor for "actively undermining" U.S. policy by holding meetings with Mohammad Javad Zarif since leaving office. Pompeo called it "unseemly and unprecedented" and "beyond inappropriate."

Kerry acknowledged last week he has undertaken rogue diplomacy without the approval of the Trump administration to encourage Iran to preserve the agreement with European countries. Kerry and other Obama administration officials believe the Iran deal, struck in 2015, was a landmark achievement.



  1. Oh yes he did breach federal law for running money to Iranians.

  2. The POS needs to be Arrested.

  3. If a Republican did this during the obummer admin all the MSM would be calling it treason and sedition and demanding the attorney general to act.

  4. Kerry should be prosecuted.

  5. It doesn't matter...Jeff Sessions is a part of the deep state and needs to be fired! Until that happens no Dumbocrat will be prosecuted.

  6. Put his Skull and Bones ass in jail.

  7. That means Obammy broke the law as well.

    Lock their Lame A$$es up!

    Unfortunately the true Lame A$$es are the lame Republicans that allowed Obama to get elected and stomp on the U.S. Constitution for 8 years. They are the ones that need to be locked up as well. Ironically you see them slowly slipping away. Corker, Flake, McCain and a few others.

    1. I'm republican and I never voted for Obama . Didn't like his cocky attitude from the beginning. Never listened to him talk still don't. Call it a gut feeling but I knew he would be bad got this country. Still is .

  8. Doesn't matter. Democrats do not have to follow the law.


  9. Put Lerch in the lockup, for good.

  10. hang him by his horse neck

  11. Thank you Rubio. The names Kerry calls President Trump is disgusting. Kerry descibes Trump as a school girl. Took Iran to be patient that Trump will be gone soon. Sessions set up. What are you hiding . Russia!

  12. He needs a JFK haircut!


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