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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How Solar and Wind Mandates Tax the Poor and Middle Class

Liberals love to talk about helping the poor and the middle class, and they are obsessed with reducing income inequality. So why is it that across the country they are pushing one of the most regressive taxes in modern times?

I am talking about the fad "green" initiative in states such as California, Arizona and New Jersey that require local utilities to buy expensive renewable energy. These renewable energy standards require that utilities to buy expensive wind and solar power. They then pass these costs onto the poor and working class who get stuck paying the tab.

In Sacramento, California, the legislature is speeding ahead with one of the most absurd proposals of modern times by mandating 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. This would mean no coal, no natural gas and no nuclear power.

Meanwhile in Arizona, voters will decide on a ballot initiative funded by billionaire Tom Steyer that would increase renewable mandates to 50 percent over the next decade or so.

The goal of these initiatives is to shut down fossil fuel and nuclear energy production in America. These are industries that supply millions of jobs. We have more coal and natural gas than any other nation and liberals want to shut it all down. It is worth mentioning that today in America about 80 percent of our electric power comes from natural gas, coal and nuclear power.



  1. Hey gov Hogan you need to Stop the sprinkler system that have to go in New homes your killing the home ownes Do you have family in the Sprinkler System ?

  2. Another reason to vote out James Mathies who supported Maryland's renewable portfolio standard by overriding Gov. Hogan's veto that forces Marylander's to purchase 25% of their energy from Renewables by 2020.

  3. Obama does. Pushing free solar panels. Nothing is free.


  4. Liberal Jim was and is part of the problem. Chance to retire him arriving soon.

    OweMalley and his ilk foisted this alternate energy stuff. It provides a subsidy to those behind wind or solar projects by forcing utilities to buy their scarce, high cost to generate juice. In turn the higher costs are passed onto regular customers.

    Wind and solar projects need to make it on their own economic merits.


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