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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Police Identify Maryland Shooter As Woman, Say She Shot Herself

Police confirmed Thursday the suspect in the Maryland workplace shooting that left three dead is a woman and that she shot herself twice.

Law enforcement officials believe the suspect killed three people and wounded two others at a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, Thursday morning. The suspect reportedly shot herself twice and is alive, albeit hospitalized and in critical condition.

Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler confirmed during a press conference that the shooter used a single weapon and responding law enforcement officers did not fire any shots while making their way through the building and tending to the victims. It is unclear whether the suspect is an employee of Rite Aid.

“There is no additional threat to the community,” Gahler said.



  1. I don't buy this story for one second... I doubt someone would shoot themselves twice, after the first one hurts so bad... Hell half of the time cops can;t keep shooting or stay in the fight when they have been shot badly... And they have adrenaline running in their bodies...

    1. You don't believe a monster killed people today at a rite aid? Or how the pos killed herself. Or do you just hate cops because they fight what you fear.

  2. This woman that did the killings was black, they are conveniently leaving that out of the story.

    1. Would reporting the race of the person change anything?

  3. Sad we will never find out why.

  4. Would reporting it change anything? No probably not. But do you see how fast the story disappeared from the news once her/his identity, gender and race was released? It just shows how bias the news is. They only report shootings when it is a white male. That is why everyone is glued to the news when this type of event happens.

  5. She was a Muslim pos


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