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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Me Too, Me Too!


  1. Ginsberg is mistaken. Just one look at her and you know it had to be Mr. Magoo

  2. I'd rather read respect for deserving people.
    if one bothered to read about Ruth Bader Ginsburg there would be no disrespect for this great lady. It is sad that people prefer to show their ignorance by being so disrespect to others they know nothing about..

    Mrs Ginsberg is a soft spoken intelligent lady who is nothing like the sick joke posted on here. She is a conservative and one we need.She has a problem with her neck, not her brain.

  3. Colonoscopy probably.


  4. 6:06, Thanks for the humor.

    And I seriously doubt Honest Abe made off with her donkey. He was too busy defending the Union and freeing the slaves the Democrats wanted kept in bondage.

    In the recent past the Notorious RGB fell asleep at the State of the Union address while Barry droned on. And Democrats still want to run their plantation.

  5. "Mrs Ginsberg is a soft spoken intelligent lady who is nothing like the sick joke posted on here."

    I'm sure this is correct, for her to be in that seat. But if she had any common sense she would know when to fold them. Retire intelligent one and give some young blood a shot at what you are taking advantage of.

    I can't apply for the position because I don't remember, but sure I have done something wrong sometime ago.

  6. Quote from Ginsberg-" “I would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,” she said. She recommended, instead, the South African Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the European Convention on Human Rights" She is supposed to be UPHOLDING AND DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES..she may be soft spoken and intelligent as a previous writer states, but she is also a liberal activist, trying to legislate and promote the liberal agenda by legislating from the bench. Supreme Court Justices are supposed to rule on cases brought before them based on our Constitution, arguably one of the greatest documents ever produced by mankind, not by their political leanings. Her quote shows a disregard, a contempt of what has made our nation the greatest in the history of the world. So please, take your soft spoken intelligent lady and escort her from the court-it is way beyond time for her to go.

    1. “I would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,” (FOR EGYPT) - You are taking the sentence out of context. She was speaking to Egypt and suggesting they look at other country's Constitution instead of the older USA Constitution.

      I believe she is a much better friend then an appointed liberal.. If Brett Kavanaugh is appointed (and I pray to God he is) we will see Mrs Ginsberg retire, As I previously suggested, google the lady and learn the facts. Don't take one sentence from an interview concerning another country which is exactly what the liberals did. Read the whole interview in which she explains her reasoning..

  7. What has happened to civility, and basic decent human respect.

    Idiocracy truly was a prophetic film, wasn't it?

  8. Every time I have seen her in the past 3-4 years she has been asleep. Various functions, some with the Senate, some even with the President in attendance and when the camera pans around, there she is, asleep.
    I'm sure she did a fine job, in her day. The problem in this country is we don't recognize when "their day" is over. I don't think a person in their eighties and nineties need to be making policy for this country. I'm sorry and some may say "age discrimination" but when you can't stay awake for anything such as the judge here, or you have brain freezes and speak gibberish such as Pelosi does, obviously there is a deeper problem. They should not be running the country. We also need term limits on all branches of government. Maybe if they couldn't stay so long they wouldn't get so corrupt.


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