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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Man arrested in Virginia, accused of multiple murders, is DACA recipient, source says

An illegal immigrant from Mexico, accused of killing one person and injuring two others aboard a fishing vessel over the weekend, was reportedly allowed to stay in the U.S. as a DACA recipient.

Fox News has exclusively learned that Franklin Freddy Meave Vazquez, 27, was an illegal alien in the U.S. until he was granted deferred action under the DACA program on Nov. 30, 2013. The program is aimed at children brought to the country illegally by their parents.

Vazquez’s legal status was set to expire on Nov. 29, 2015. He applied for renewal but his request was denied on August 16, 2016 – almost a year after his DACA status had already expired. Documents say his request was denied for abandonment, meaning he may have failed to respond to an information request or never showed up for a required appearance.


1 comment:

  1. Can't be a DACA! They are all saints according to all the democrats! They are all straight A students, in the National Honor Society who are going to enlist in the military and all become doctors and lawyers.
    That is the lies the democrats tell.
    The fact stands we have enough of our own home grown criminals so these illegals who are ALL criminals themselves need to go. The parents are criminals who came themselves illegally and brought them with them. Any parents who does this isn't worth a damn. Horrid disgrace of parents who teach their children laws are to be broken. Anyone who supports them is just as despicable a human being and the lowest form of life there is.


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