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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hurricane Florence Is Over, But South Carolina Residents Brace for Record Flooding

They survived Hurricane Florence's powerful wind and driving rain, but now residents in coastal South Carolina are wondering how they will make it through the historic floods that are forecast as a result of the swollen rivers that the storm left behind.

Robert Maring, an attorney and business owner in Georgetown, South Carolina, was anxiously awaiting the inundation on Tuesday, and doing everything he could to protect his businesses — which include a restaurant that he's a partner at in town. Restaurant employees were helping to haul out as much as they could salvage ahead of time.

"We're doing everything we can to save this restaurant. We know we have a flood coming. It's like being stalked by a turtle," Maring told NBC News on Tuesday. "Being we live on the coast here, hurricanes are just a fact of life and we have to deal with them. But nothing like this. This is historic."

View Full Story From NBC News

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