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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

A peer and friend who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a high school student is vouching for his character amid accusations from a woman that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teens.

“I certainly have some strong feelings about the timing of this, but that is not going to do anybody any good,” Missy Carr, a 1985 graduate of Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Monday.

“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”

Carr is one of 65 women who knew Kavanaugh when he attended the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School and signed a letter published Sept. 14 that vouches for the character of the Supreme Court nominee.

Kavanaugh’s accuser said Mark Judge, a classmate of Kavanaugh’s, was present during the alleged assault at a house party attended by a small group of teens.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in Northern California, told The Washington Post that Kavanaugh held her down, groped her, and tried to remove her clothes in a bedroom during a summer party in the early 1980s in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Ford said both males were drunk at the time.



  1. Translation: After writing to her congressman, and Senator Feinstein, and hiring a Democrat political lawyer, and taking a brief polygraph to see if her foggy memories are her foggy memories, and writing in The Washington Post, and getting the Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone their vote, and getting the same committee to offer a chance to share her story, the accuser now has cold feet.

    The reality is that this sketchy story is coming apart at the seams and they need more time to refresh and embellish her recovered memories.

    The committee should conclude the matter if she fails to appear and let the nomination go forward for a Senate vote.

  2. But this issue is much juicier and has replaced the old cause-of-the-week of immigrants separated from their kids.

  3. He's clean. We can always add justices to the court if it becomes too tilted. Don't get too excited this guy is smarter beyond party lines and our own President. He has a good track record when it comes to the Constitution and the LAW and informed interpretations of such. He is no dope so don't get your hopes up that he is really going to be a philosophical game changer on the bench. He has long term ambitions just like everyone else. I don't think he has the BALLS to be a lifer and likely has better offers in the private sector. He may have had balls way back when as a drunken kid but now he has the track record of and ambulance chaser.


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