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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

China has a 'chilling' system to control everyone

China's chilling dictatorship is moving quickly to introduce social scorecards, in which all citizens will be monitored 24/7 and ranked on their behavior.

The Communist Party’s plan is for every one of its 1.4 billion citizens to be at the whim of a dystopian social credit system, and it’s on track to be fully operational by the year 2020.

An active pilot program has already seen millions of people each assigned a score out of 800 and either reap its benefits or suffer its consequences — depending on which end of the scale they sit.

Under the social credit scheme, points are lost and gained based on readings from a sophisticated network of 200 million surveillance cameras — a figure set to triple in 18 months.

The program has been enabled by rapid advances in facial recognition, body scanning and geo-tracking.



  1. So the means and methods to control us all is here, just a matter of time. As we can see today the left embraces this as progress..BEWARE

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  2. Coming soon to the USA via the Democratic Party

  3. Black Mirror has a couple of episodes about this very topic.

  4. Coming to America Sooner than later!!! In fact it is already here, they just need to get the AI software better and then boom... I keep telling you fools that technology is the mark of the beast, and soon with it, as the bible says, you will be tracked 100%, labels based on your threat level against the corrupt and everything will be digitized so they can wipe you out with no trace, or give themselves money with a click of a button... If you want to see the abilities of this software and devices, watch Eagle eye and Minority report... That stuff exist today, so imagine what they will have sooner than later???? They plan on having these systems in airports first I think, where you can't get in or out without a tracking device or retinal scan... While you think newer tech is better than sliced bread and makes you all more stupid and dependent, you will think it is doing you good and speeding up transactions and the like which is a lie... I can pull a 20 out of my pocket hand it to a cashier and say 20 on pump 5 please and be done, when you fools with your ever so thinking credit cards being convenient, have to take it out of your pocket, slide it or put it in with a chip, wait for it to be accepted, sign a receipt or not, is still slower than actual cash money... Its all ok though, becasue you tossed our kids and grand kids lives down the drain all the while you can be happy and live today, you people are so stupid...

  5. Imagine a world where your entire existence depends on positive tweets.

  6. The people have no choice.
    They have been disarmed.
    For their own good, of course.

    See how that works?

    You keep cheering.


  7. If Hilldog had won,,,,we would be doing exactly what china is doing, in order to keep to the agreed upon schedule of progression. Slavery.

    1. So true! Trump is trying to drain this swamp but the deep state is fighting hard!

  8. I argue Americans are all ready living this, and we do it to ourselves.

    Social media, linked in, corporate culture, networking, fake smiles, people in pressed business suits, politicians... credit scores, college diploma requirements...

    We all ready are living this, and we do it to ourselves.


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