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Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh Girlfriend Denies 1998 Assault Described In Anonymous Letter, NBC Report

A federal judge who says she may be the woman described in a cryptic, anonymous letter accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of assault in 1998 told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Kavanaugh never attacked her, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

TheDCNF obtained email traffic between Republican committee staffers and Judge Dabney Friedrich who says she dated Kavanaugh in 1998, the approximate timeframe during which an unnamed person told senators that Kavanaugh “sexually and aggressively” pushed a woman he was dating up against the wall.

“To the extent the attached letter is referring to me as the ‘friend who was dating him,’ the allegations it makes are both offensive and absurd,” Friedrich wrote in a letter to the committee. “At no time did Brett ever shove me against a wall, including in an ‘aggressive and sexual’ manner. When we dated, Brett always treated me with the utmost respect and we remain friends to this day. I have never observed (nor am I aware of) Brett acting in a physically inappropriate or aggressive manner toward anyone.”

Like Kavanaugh, Friedrich is also a federal judge. President Donald Trump appointed her to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 2017.


1 comment:

  1. These things do not matter. This great man was nominated by our good president, therefore making him guilty of anything imaginable or thrown his way. You know the man is no damn good because he is recommended by Trump. I think (not sure) the fat failed candidate once fondled my mess when I was a little boy. I just thought of it but the only thing I can do is pray it didn't happen because nothing will become of it, I'm a conservative.


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