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Friday, September 28, 2018

Bombshell WSJ Story Confirms "Systematic And Methodical" Chinese Theft Of US Trade Secrets

A deep dive into how China "systematically pries technology from U.S. Companies" by the Wall Street Journal gives essential context to President Trump's rising trade war with Beijing at a moment that both Chinese and American mainstream media relentlessly bash the president for his unprecedentedly tough stance on China.

And yet such a bombshell story exhaustively documenting multiple major instances of China caught in brazen acts of theft of American technology and trade secrets has barely made a splash in the rest of major media, and likely won't hit the network news shows with so much as a whimper: after all it may confirm that Trump is right, and admitting this will certainly not gain ratings.

Foremost among Trump's demands after he announced tariffs on about half of all US imports from China while threatening to impose tariffs on the second half, is that China cease requiring American companies turn over trade secrets in order to do business there. Trump has consistently blasted China's "unfair trade practices" which includes stealing US intellectual property.


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