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Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh comes out swinging: Charges against me a 'national disgrace'

Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday vigorously denied allegations from Christine Blasey Fordthat he sexually attacked her when they were both in high school — calling the charge “a national disgrace.”

“Less than two weeks ago, Dr. Ford publicly accused me of committing wrongdoing at an event more than 36 years ago, when we were both in high school,” Kavanaugh angrily told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I denied the allegation immediately, categorically and unequivocally.”

President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee noted that others who were supposedly at the party have either denied it or said they don’t recall the gathering.

“The day after the allegation appeared, I told this committee that I wanted a hearing as soon as possible to clear my name,” he said, charging that the allegation was politically motivated and an attempt to torpedo his nomination.


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