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Friday, September 28, 2018

Gillibrand: Whatever Kavanaugh Says at Hearing, ‘It Will Not Change My View’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) stated that she’s not open to changing her mind on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, she thought Kavanaugh’s record was disqualifying before the allegations against Kavanaugh came to light, and “whatever he says tomorrow, it will not change my view. And I’ve already read Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony and I believe her.”

After Gillibrand stated the FBI should do a complete background check on Kavanaugh in light of the accusations against him, anchor Chris Cuomo asked, “[A]re you open to changing your mind?”

Gillibrand answered, “Based on everything I have heard to date, no. And before these allegations came to light, I thought Judge Kavanaugh’s record was disqualifying."


[The FBI has already done SIX complete background checks on Judge Kavanaugh. --Editor]


  1. Six FBI background checks aren't enough, so let's do the one more and get it over with.

  2. She took an oath of office to uphold the laws and here she allows here say to rule guilt,she should be escorted from office.

  3. They could do a hundred checks and get him a blessing from the Pope and it still wouldn't change her mind. Her brain is stuck on obstructionist.


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