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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Donned Pussy Hat for Protest

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who claims she was physically attacked at a high school party by Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh three decades ago, has taken part in events opposing President Donald Trump, including a science march in California last year where she donned a version of the “pussy hats” worn at the January 2017 Women’s March.

Blasey Ford is cited in a San Jose Mercury News article as wearing the hat at the march, which the newspaper said was held because people were “angered by the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to research.”

“It’s a science party!” said biostatistician Christine Blasey, of Palo Alto, who will wear an elaborately knitted cap of the human brain — yarn turned into a supersized cerebral cortex — inspired by the “pussy hats” donned during the Women’s Marches. “Getting introverted people to the march — that’s huge,” [Blasey] laughed.

A photo of those hats is featured in the article and is accompanied by the caption, “Pleasanton knitter Eilene Cross made ‘brain caps’ for the upcoming March for Science, to be worn by friend Christine Blasey of Palo Alto.”



  1. The whole University of California system has turned to crap.

  2. No bias or malice there. Noooooo

  3. of course she did......

  4. This woman is a snowflake and should be avoided, and loose her 15 minutes of attention.

  5. this is nothing other than weaponized #metoo- from this point on, the Dems will trot out a girl to derail anything they want to with any allegations they want from however long ago they want because we are to "believe all women" and "no women ever lie". Now, you say to yourself- "well, if I'm an upstanding man and never do anything untoward regarding women, I'll have nothing to worry about. ".

    Bull. These are the same women who are claiming that just the act of staring at them too long is the equivalent of rape. No kidding. These misandrists want a world in which they are free to ruin any man at anytime and no defense is possible.

    It's time to burn everything in society down.

  6. I was going to throw my name in the hat for Supreme Court but too many skeletons in my closet.

  7. Just another angry hateful liberal

  8. I find it amusing that these people “suddenly” recall from years ago that Trumps nominees somehow were all “abusers” and after the fact, the case NEVER goes to court, they are NEVER charged and the snowflake disappears into the sunset.


  9. Just touched in the head. Feel sorry for husband, kids and those she teaches.


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