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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

'Glaring factual problems'

The Washington Post's damning report claiming the Trump administration ramped up efforts to deny passports to some Hispanic people who are U.S. citizens had glaring factual errors, forcing editors to substantially revise the story multiples times, according to a HuffPost report Monday.

“The (Washington) Post withheld key data, mis-characterized information and lobbed an allegation of fraud at a deceased doctor without speaking to his family members, who complained publicly,” HuffPost wrote.

“The piece has been substantially altered three times, including Thursday after multiple queries from HuffPost.”

HuffPost reported The Washington Post “cited a number of specific policies to support its allegation of a crackdown” — but “all three practices predate Trump.”

The practices are “supposedly heightened scrutiny of birth certificates signed by midwives suspected of peddling fraudulent documents, supposedly unprecedented passport denials to people born far from the border, and a supposedly new focus on babies delivered by one Texas doctor,” HuffPost wrote.


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