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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford’s story

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are serious. She is accusing him of violent attempted rape. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me. He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing,” she told The Washington Post, recounting the alleged incident at a high school party “one summer in the early 1980s.”

But her story is also growing less believable by the day. Here are eight reasons why it’s hardly “anti-woman” for senators to question her account at Thursday’s hearing:

1) For starters, Ford still can’t recall basic details of what she says was the most traumatic event in her life. Not where the “assault” took place — she’s not sure whose house it was, or even what street it was on. Nor when — she’s not even sure of the year, let alone the day and month.

Ford’s not certain how old she was or what grade she was in when she says an older student violently molested her. (But she doesn’t plead inebriation: She described having just “one beer” at the party.)



  1. I got her number. She can't "remember" because she is a liar just like every single other democrat. She won't narrow anything down because that is what liars like her do. The lying skank doesn't want Judge Kavanaugh to be able to provide rock solid proof he was somewhere else at the time if she gives specifics. She is a typical democrat and there isn't an honest one alive.

  2. Assault 2nd maybe sexual assault if he touched her privates. NO RAPE NO ATTEMPTED RAPE. no crime now.

  3. It's a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of the evil Democrats. She cannot escape their grasp and is now forced to tell the story they have coached her to say.

  4. In my opinion, this person Christine Blasey Ford has nothing to lose. She can bring down a nominee to the Supreme Court but since nothing is provable she can't be prosecuted or sued. While I would not condone behavior purported by Dr. Ford I also think it is unconscionable to besmirch the character of anyone based on thin unsubstantiated evidence and no corroboration. Her affiliation with womens movements and marches and the fact she is a never Trumper is suspicious to me. I get the agenda of the Democratic Senators as their "tricks" are nothing new, just the faces are different. This is all a charade and hinges on Roe v Wade.

  5. 9:03 She most certainly can be sued for defamation especially if Judge Kavanaugh is not confirmed. Defamation is civil and is the only allegation where the defendant has to prove they are being truthful. Judge Kavanaugh's attorney's specialty is in fact defamation.
    I hope they do go through with a defamation suit because these false accusations will keep coming if something isn't done to stop them.

  6. If she lies to Congress, then she can get in trouble...I hope they drag her away in cuffs right then and there!

  7. I've been told and a woman that I must believe her, but I dont. Everyone knows women/girls dont go to the bathroom alone we always take a buddy, yet she went alone, upstairs in a strange house. She didnt hear the stumbling drunken boys come up the stairs behind or until they pushed her into the bedroom where there was already music playing. Her bff denies being at the party. I feel sorry for her because something obviously happened to her in the past. If we are to believe her unverifiable claim, no man or boy is safe.

  8. She should be SUED for Defamation > & she has NO case !!!


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