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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh turns over calendar from summer of '82 to push back on allegations

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has turned over his calendar from four months in 1982 to Senate investigators as he fights back against accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that he sexually assaulted her that summer.

The Senate Judiciary Committee – ahead of Thursday’s scheduled hearing with both Kavanaugh and Ford – released copies of the calendar full of scribbled notes from May, June, July and August of 1982.

“The calendars were provided pursuant to Chairman Grassley request that Judge Kavanaugh provide any and all documentary evidence he may possess relating to the allegations raised by Dr. Ford,” said George Hartmann, the press secretary for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.



  1. Anyone keeps a calendar at that age is not a serial sex offender. Crazyness. I guess that's why the liars don't remember dates locations or times. Lol.

  2. My wife threw my 40 year old calendars away. Now I feel naked.

  3. So dude has 40 yr old calendars. But you don't think the woman can have 40 year old memories of an assault. This is all a clown show.

  4. So he says where he was during that summer, and suddenly another accuser comes out of the woodwork by a sleeze attorney, and claims the nominee is was a gang raper in OC (where he admitted he went after graduation). My God the democrats will do anything to hold onto the balance of power in the Supreme Court. ANYTHING! Finding people that had some kind of proximity to Kavanaugh in his past, paying them to get lawyered up and make accusations against him, and they are guaranteed to have legal counsel from the DNC to cover any perjury charges. The last accuser even had liens on her home and other property that suddenly disappeared. What the Dems are doing is a blatant abuse of power. The GOP has to understand that the voters can see clearly what is going on. Do what is right. We will not punish them. The dems were never going to vote for him, or any other Supreme Court nominee put before them by a Republican. Its not about Trump. They would be doing this to any nominee presented by a Republican. Remember what they did to Bork, and Clarence Thomas? Nothing new this time around, and many of the Dems in Congress were around then, leading the same kind of BS charges. They have NO decorum or scruples. Disgusting what they do to our representative government.

  5. The Supreme Court is the highest priority for the Democrat party. It is their long term goal to stack the court with enough leftists to either overturn the constitution in it's entirety (to get straight to socialism), or piece by piece, starting with the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments. They are only concerned with the strategic value of the SCOTUS in achieving the overthrow of our constitution. Don't trust your friends and neighbors who would vote Democrat no matter how corrupt their policies. Here on the shore, there are many among us.

  6. 9:08: why? Serial sex offenders don’t keep calendars?

  7. " Anonymous said...

    So dude has 40 yr old calendars. But you don't think the woman can have 40 year old memories of an assault. This is all a clown show.

    September 27, 2018 at 10:52 AM"

    Yes but you are one incredibly ignorant person if you believe for one second she was assaulted by anyone much less Kavanaugh.
    It's not rocket science. The reason she claims to not be able to remember is because she is a liar. Again Einstein it's not rocket science. She doesn't "remember" because she is a liar and knows if she pin points it down to even so much as a year, place, how she got home (she didn't walk) she would be proved to be a liar.
    That's the problem with you people. You are ignoramuses who are so brain washed your brains don't work anymore. That and you were raised by garbage who should have had abortions because as parents they were worthless and allowed you to get away with lying.

  8. 12:00 yeah right a serial sex offender. I guess you thought your dumb comment was cute and clever. It's not. That title goes to Bill Cigar Inserter of the vagina of Monica Lewinsky Clinton. And his nasty lying wife who trashed his many victims including one he brutally raped
    If you believe for one second the gang rape story you are either brain dead or are a liar. Probably both. This latest liar claims it happened 10 times boys drugging girls and lining up to gang rape them. And she kept going back to these parties and never reported to the police. She claims to even have gone back after she was gang raped. Yeah that sounds like a true story. Now get out of here imbecile until you decide to stop that lying all you democrats can't stop doing. You are beneath the good people who frequent this blog and not worthy of any more of our time. This goes for you and any other democrat. You are all garbage. Nothing but garbage.

  9. True moral of the story - burn EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hear that Rickie Meehan?

    Good grief!

  10. 12:00 you have to be a mouth breather or just mildly retarded. Yup he is a serial sex offender. You have jumped from two drunken teens possibly having sex to a serial rapist lol. You are one of those people that believes pro wrestling is real and screams at the t.v. when it is on. I truly hope you are not in any type of human services field. I am assuming you are a women or a very gay male. We wonder why America has taken a nose dive prior to Trump being elected. WTF

  11. Clinton thought he was being smart by ramming the cigar up into Lewinsky instead of his own junk because no evidence. But in his excitement and getting off his wad got on the blue dress. He being a typical democrat lied but was forced to admit only when the DNA proved it was his. And the lying skank he is married to stayed with him because just like all democrat women she is nothing but a lying slave to men.


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