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Friday, September 07, 2018

Dems' Kavanaugh hearing disruptions carefully staged by Schumer, lieutenants

The chaotic start to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was coordinated from the top by Democrat senators who wanted to stall the Supreme Court nomination process amid complaints about access to documents.

Kavanaugh returns before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday for the start of formal questioning. He has delivered only his opening statement so far, vowing Tuesday to be a “neutral and impartial arbiter” after enduring a morning and afternoon of blistering statements from Democrats warning about the implications of his potential confirmation. Many of those Democrats repeatedly tried to object, delay and even adjourn the hearing amid requests for more documents and more time to review the files they had.

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., seemed to acknowledge the show was coordinated when asked by GOP Sen. Thom Tillis during Tuesday’s hearing to respond to reports that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., led a phone call over the holiday weekend discussing protest plans.

Durbin said “there was a phone conference yesterday,” where “many issues were raised.”

Younger Democrats, such as California Sen. Kamala Harris, hijacked Tuesday’s hearing almost as soon as it started and urged the committee to delay the hearing amid protests by liberal activists, some of whom were arrested.




  1. Dave T: Between Harris and Booker, I don't know which one is a bigger disgrace. Booker, you're just simply a joke. I'm really tired of hearing your big mouth, idiotic, whining. Go back to whatever cesspool you came from, your attitude if not becoming of a senator.

  2. Ole' Hillary, Obama, Soros, Eric Holder are all behind this attempted 'silent coup.'

  3. Harris being used by the white man over and over.

  4. Obama's speech about Trump was timely - NOT. What a jerk. He really believes he is still the President. Taking credit for everything President Trump has done for us. What a sick ego. Even blamed Ex-president Busch (not by name) for his poor afministration. Didn't I just see Obama hanging out with Busch as buddies at McCains funeral. Obama is the laughing stock of America. Worse President that won't give up the power. He is a citizen now so why cover his speeches. They make me sleepy.

  5. hang her and pelosi

  6. Wooo that is a gorgeous woman.


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