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Friday, September 07, 2018

25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch


  1. Looks like mostly women and children... BS

  2. Why isn't the Ranch owner shooting them dead for trespassing? It is legal in AZ. and TX.
    Cattle ranch laws are still on the books allowing the killing of trespassers, rustlers, animals killing or harming livestock.

  3. Dave T: Illegal immigration is quickly becoming a determining factor in the success or failure of our time. Liberals are scrambling to get them here as fast as possible to support their desperate cause. This country is completely divided, and our adversaries are delighted.

  4. And they all are wearing Camo gear

  5. Same way we ALL got here. Ancestors crossing the border illegally!

  6. 12:42 and the children aren't even theirs. Women in South and Central America are now having babies to sell to the coyotes (human smugglers) and they pass the babies and children out to the people like they are water bottles or something.
    It used to be babies being born for the sole reason of being adopted by Americans and the so called adoption agencies making money. This is now under control but they have found another way to make money off of having babies.

  7. Who paid for their uniforms all camo and camo hats ,camo gear.

  8. We should just annex Mexico, Central and South America and enslave them all. They want to work FINE. White Americans can relax and reap the rewards. We have done enough now for the third world. It's payback time. All the whining college grads can all go teach English. We could send all our poor down there and put them to work along with them in Debtors Prisons and Work Houses. You wanna make America Great Again ? Let's wake up and start taking over the world. We are a world power but only when it comes to protecting others. We need to realize the gains of conquest. The lives lost and maimed in these stupid modern political wars have proffered us WHAT ? An increased dept an influx of refugees and drugs. Forget Europe you can see it in half a day at Bush Gardens and a weekend in Vegas. If we don't do it Putin will. Hold on my nurse is bringing me my pill.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Same way we ALL got here. Ancestors crossing the border illegally!

    September 7, 2018 at 2:05 PM

    Said the F'n LIBTARD!!

    No Douche Bag, all of my ancestors came here legally and I can prove it.

    By the way some of the "ancestors" that came here didn't come here illegally if it wasn't the law at the time. Dumb A$$ Douche Bag!

  10. There's a young lady in church who came over years ago with people she doesn't even know from El Salvador. She is not even sure how old she is and thinks she was 1 or 2 when she got here. She was scuffled around from south american immigrant her whole life and never went to school. She looks to be in her early 20's.

  11. Not only do they pass out babies and children born only for the sole purpose of making it easier for the illegals to remain in the US they have supplies hidden like water throughout the routes. The Border Patrol when they find them disassemble the stations.

  12. As Troy would say on Swamp People "CHOOT"M"

  13. All POS and future welfare recipients turning the US into a third world country.


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