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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Concealed Carry Permits Surge to 18 Million, Include Many Democrats

The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) reports that the number of concealed carry permits in America has now reached 18 million and includes many Democrats.

The Washington Examiner quotes USCCA president Tim Schmidt explaining that the surge in permits is not tied to one political party: “A lot of new people are getting permits. Half of them align themselves with the Democrats. So this whole concept of wanting to defend yourself doesn’t go straight down Republican or conservative lines. I think everyone wants to defend themselves. We have all sorts of folks who say they are Democrats but want to carry a gun.”

The jump to 18 million permits represents over a 60 percent increase in permits since 2014:


  1. I sure hope the snowflakes cupcakes know how to use them because the war is coming to them Very Soon.

  2. Almost every mass shooter has been a registered Democrat, this is scary that they get to conceal now.

  3. This is good news! Don't be concerned 10:55, democrats don't do things legal or by the book. They resist law and order.

  4. if only md would allow them

  5. 727, then they will fit right in on the FRONT LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Saddle up, lock and load!
    Pussy hats, wear them if you gottem!


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