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Monday, August 13, 2018

When Are Americans Going To Wake Up To The Real Democrat Party


  1. I think of it like the tooth fairy when you are young and gullible you can be fooled easily. Then you grow older and wiser and figure out the truth. When you are a liberal you grow older but not wiser and now you make up excuses why the tooth fairy doesn't bring you money. Most likely you blame it on Trump.

  2. Everyone of those POS should be dead or in prison.

  3. Yeah, no scandals in your administration, Barack, because the whole presidency was a scandal.

  4. The dumbocrat party is like the Sopranos

  5. What a bunch of horrid skanks. All of them have allowed themselves to be reduced to nothing but slaves to men. A man tells them to jump and they jump. MO ghetto garbage running around telling lie after lie because the liar she's married to instructs her to do this. Same with clinton. Married to a brutal rapist serial sexual harasser who made her go out and re victimize his victims. rice dragged around by her nose by obama is such a slave she made rounds on national TV lying her fat rank butt off for obama. lynch and jarrett also nothing but gross slaves to obama But they are typical of democrat woman. Men rule all of them.

  6. 8:17....you are making Tony and his soldiers look bad with that comparison. I would much rather hang with the Sopranos or Sons of Anarchy than this crowd in the photo. This crime organization pictured can ruin your good name by association.

  7. The Obama administration was a demonstration of the very fear expressed by the Founding Fathers, when they indicated that we have been given a Constitutional Republic if we can keep it. However,they stressed that it would depend on the integrity and honesty of those that we elected and placed in our government for it to endure. Surely, we now realize the devastation caused by all the dishonesty and corruption of President Obama, Hilliary Clinton and the members of the his administration is truly a manifestation of the very concern expressed by our Founders. Very scary indeed.

  8. Democrats are part of the Deep State. They cover for each others crimes.

  9. All the pictured should not be able to breathe air in this country traitors every one.


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