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Monday, August 13, 2018

Heading the ball is much worse for women's brains

Study reveals brain damage and dementia risk is five times worse in female players than males

Heading a ball in a soccer game could cause greater damage to women's brains than to men's, a new study has found.

Through MRI scans, researchers found that female soccer players had damaged brain tissue that was five times more extensive than in male soccer players.

Soccer, or football, is the latest in a number of sports, including the NFL, that have come under scrutiny for players that potentially walk away with long-term brain damage from repeated hits to the head.

The team, from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York, says their findings show that sex-specific guidelines may need to be put in place to prevent head injuries from becoming commonplace in the most-played sport in the world.



  1. Didn't realize Nancy Pelosi played so much soccer in her youth.

  2. Hey 7:02 , that goes for so many females who hold political positions. Waters played football , basketball , soccer , dodgeball and of course pool.

  3. Yeah, just blame it on soccer.


  4. Does this hold true for trans women players? Do their skulls become thinner and their brains more likely to be injured after transition?

  5. Women's branes are smaller so they rattle around more get beat themselves up on the skull walls with each collesion.

  6. 834 please throw away whatever concoction your drinking. That will kill you faster than soccer!


  7. Isn't that sexist to say women are different than men?

  8. If women weren't different from men they would have all of the same parts, talk 90% less and fix things when they broke instead of looking for a man to do it.


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