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Saturday, August 04, 2018

Trumka blasted by teachers union boss for keeping door open on Trump 2020 endorsement

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is getting an earful – on Twitter – from teachers union boss Randi Weingarten for reportedly keeping the door open to a possible Trump endorsement in 2020.

Newsmax reported Wednesday that Trumka would not rule out a union endorsement for the president.

“Every [candidate] will be looked at,” Trumka said. He added, “we will consider every candidate who’s running.”

Trumka simply may have been stating union policy, not wanting to get ahead of an endorsement process that is nowhere close to starting, for an election more than two years out.

At the same time, he noted to Newsmax that Trump did better with AFL-CIO members than Mitt Romney did in 2012, while Hillary Clinton fared worse than then-President Barack Obama in 2012. And Trumka sought to explain why some union members backed the current president: “They were looking for someone who was going to change the economy. They felt there were assaults on their health care and assaults on their pensions.”


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