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Saturday, August 04, 2018

Taxpayer Funded Salisbury Maryland Amphitheater To Be Torn Down After Folked Festival

Remember that power grid problem I mentioned a month ago or so where I mentioned a massive power line that runs underneath the new amphitheater? Well, it turns out, some how, some way, the City was allowed to move forward with the project, since the power company refused to change its already scheduled work load. This is something you nor I could get away with BUT the City is being forced to demolish a good portion of this project in order to complete the MDE and electrical demands. 

Yes, you will NOT hear about this from ANY of the local MSM as they have been covering pretty much ALL of Jake Day and Jack Heath's screw ups. They need to rename this thing the Whoopee Cushion Amphitheater


  1. So glad I don’t live there anymore!

  2. But isn't the Folked Festival supposed to take place again in 2019 and 2020? Somebody is folked, I'm just not sure who.

  3. And I was the one who said "they will tear it down in five years", looks like I was right! It will be torn up/out "in five years", what say you now naysayer?


  4. The County, The City, The Government can
    do what ever they want and get away with it.

    Where's the Justice in this U.S. anymore?

  5. LOL more FAKE NEWS thanks CNNSBY!!! Ha Ha Ha You are getting delusional, better come up out of the basement for some fresh air!!!!

  6. Simple 2:41 there are more of us that support our Mayor and elected officials than those like you who simply whine!!

    1. Our mayor and elected officials are idiots, Chris.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So glad I don’t live there anymore!

    August 4, 2018 at 12:59 PM

    It's like that everywhere Dem's are in charge. Look at the big cites where they rule.

    So sad

  8. The level of incompetence is overwhelming.

  9. Yeas, Mrs. O'Hare, I'm sure there are a few who support the Mayor and his administration but the question is....WHY???

  10. Is this was $400,000 buys you these days? Some crappy sod and a stone border that you could find at home depot? And it seats...what..
    . 100 people? What a racket!!!

  11. That's Fake Day and Jackeroo Heath, also known as the Buffoon Boys of da'Bury.

  12. Anybody that publicly admits to supporting Jake day, Dan Caroline Ohare, Jake Heath, mike Dunn, etc etc definitely needs some pretty intense therapy. It's because of this endless waste of city resources that has your city steadily in decline. It is not the job of a bunch of inexperienced dreamers to project a party agenda down the throats of the citizens. It is however their job to create stability and growth. All these people have done is waste resources and look out for themselves. To Dan Ohare you gave to be one of the dumbest asses out there buying into Kirkland Hall's garage. His influence is evident in the jungle down there at umes


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