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Friday, August 31, 2018

The MSM's Revisionist Love Affair With McCain Is a Bit Much to Stomach

It is perfectly good and natural to want to speak well of the recently departed, even if said departed was one who someone didn't always speak well of when he or she was alive.

Then there's just makin' stuff up.

As I have watched the mainstream media laud Sen. John McCain since his death over the weekend I have often found myself wondering, "Are we talking about the same John McCain here?"

My PJ Media colleague Matt Margolis posted a video yesterday about how "The View" has had a seismic shift on its thoughts about Maverick. The contrast was rather sharp and was no doubt influenced by the fact that McCain's daughter Meghan is a regular on the show. It's also "The View," and if I begin holding them to any standards I won't be able to avoid cirrhosis of the liver.

I did a fair amount of volunteer work on both of McCain's presidential campaigns and I know that the tendencies that earned him the nickname "Maverick" were enough to keep the MSM from savaging him all the time like they would other Republicans. But I don't remember them swooning the way they have been the past few days.



  1. Biden’s written speach is a major indicator of desperate Democrats seeking crossover Republicans

  2. JOE did you see how they almost dropped the coffin ? It was because a weak A.. short woman wasn't pulling her weight.

  3. Maverick, well sounds like he did things his own way, AND not the way that the people he was supposed to represent wanted! He was just a senator, and one for way too long! I am puking in my mouth every time I see all of the BS.

  4. All the show because him and the president didn't like each other.

  5. This "wacko-bird" has had enough of all this!

  6. Agree with Blog Headline... a bit much from the FAKE NEWS NETWORKS.
    Yes the guy was a vet, POW, served us and served his country. Continued serving in the US Congress etc, etc. Many called him a RINO.
    His voting for Obummacare put me over the fence with him. Rest in Peace McCain and thanks for your service.

    Move on --------> NEXT

    Look up what McCain did to his FIRST wife Model when she got into a Bad car accident and was Disfigured !!!!!!!

  8. All the show, because the media, like NoName are puppets of their globalist handlers. Never forget that 6 companies (all of which share board members) own 93% of US Media. It's all one huge propaganda festival.

    NoName was a despicable excuse for a human being. his nickname was songbird in the pow camps. Vets of the USS forrestal are still adamant that he killed more sailors than the entire Viet Cong military.

    And then he left the ship and went on R&R in Saigon while his shipmates fought to put out a fire in which all the deck fire crew were killed in the first explosion.

    Turn it off, turn your back on the lamestream media.

    I dumped cable TV in 2010 and never looked back. Just Do it.

  9. Just think we still got 2 more days of this
    Enough already

  10. The left called him Hitler 2008.

  11. I voted for the jerk when I didn't care for him. Had no other choice, but I do have a choice now and as soon as FOX mentions his name I cut it off.

  12. Can we turn attention to a local who was loved -- Fish Powell. I have heard enough about Biden and his buddy McCain. Neither did anything for the Shore. I enjoyed having Fish greet me at Jimmies (his son-in-law) Grill in the town of Fenwick on the weekends while managing the register. Mathais and McHeehan are no match for Fish. They just milk the town and give little back.

  13. If you can’t say anything good about someone, don’t say anything.


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