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Friday, August 31, 2018

Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes


  1. Everyone should watch this.

  2. A zealot will not care. They want to kill babies and logic or common humanity does not enter into it. They truly think that society is better off without these children, and the easiest way to deal with them is to kill them.

  3. Yes, they should. I was responsible (partly) for two or three abortions in the sense I got a woman pregnant who didn't want to be. So they were aborted. At the time I didn't think much of it like he said it was pretty routine and one doesn't think too much of the process, what it entails or what happens to the fetus.

    Several years ago I found out exactly what happens and how abortions are performed. I was shocked, sick to my stomach and felt guilty as hell. I never once gave any thought to what actually happened to the baby, the pain it felt, and the dismemberment it went through.

    IMO, it is just heartless to kill a baby out of convenience, you don't want your husband or wife to find out you are cheating, or you just like sex but don't want to be tied down to or responsible for a baby that naturally occurs when you have sex.

    If people choose that lifestyle that should be made aware of these things and persuaded to use birth control as a better means to avoid becoming pregnant and not have to murder a baby.

    That is my opinion. I am not trying to deny anyone of their "right" to kill their child, lead a promiscuous life or anything else.

    It may not bother you at all at the time, or perhaps it will never bother you. But later on in life when you find out these details it may just mess up your head like it did mine.

    Everyone is free (choice) to do what they will. I am just sharing my personal experience.

  4. Well said 12:56. Thank you for sharing because you stated my story that I could not have written as well. Thank you, bet you told the story for a lot of readers.

  5. August 31, 2018 at 3:14 PM

    You are quite welcome. I just wanted people to think about what they are going to do beforehand and not just blindly do it as I did. When I found out the ways they perform abortions .... let's just say it's not a pretty mental picture.


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