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Friday, August 17, 2018

Special Board Gives Leftist Activists a Direct Line to the Census Bureau

The Trump administration should disband an Obama-era board that aims to emphasize the role of racial identity in government policy, a paper released by the Heritage Foundation Wednesday argues.

Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez argued in the new policy brief that President Donald Trump should take aim at the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations. The NAC, as it is called, provides advisory input to the U.S. Census Bureau on matters pertaining to ethnic identity.

The NAC was re-chartered in its current form in 2012, under then-President Barack Obama, although various advisory bodies on racial and ethnic matters have existed within the Census Bureau since the 1970s. The Bureau calls the NAC "an important channel of communication between the Census Bureau and race, ethnic, and other communities."

These "race, ethnic, and other communities" consist largely of various interest groups claiming to speak for ethnic or racial groups as a whole, but in reality representing only the academic and activist left, Gonzalez argues in his paper.

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