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Friday, August 17, 2018

Overdose total hits 76 in Connecticut park near Yale

NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The number of overdose victims linked to a suspected bad batch of synthetic marijuana has risen to 76 in New Haven, Connecticut, as officials try to determine exactly what sickened people.

People on and around the historic New Haven Green near Yale University began falling ill shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday, and the overdoses continued into Thursday morning. No deaths were reported, and most people brought to hospitals have been discharged, officials said.

Symptoms varied. Many victims lost consciousness, officials said. Others vomited. Some just became nauseous or lethargic.



  1. There is no such thing as synthetic marijuana.

  2. It's like calling ethanol synthetic gasoline.

  3. I guess the taxpayers get stuck with all the bills for the ambulances, hospital, emergency room and doctor bills...

  4. 1:14 = and they/we get stuck with prosecuting the a'holes who sold it, then putting them up with bed and three squares for a few decades, and paying for their multitude of court appeals.

  5. They should just compete to be named the next location for the National Folk Festival. That would really turn New Haven around.


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