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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

YouthWorks at Risk of Losing State Funding

Baltimore’s summer youth jobs program is riddled with problems. That’s according to an audit presented to the Board of Estimates this morning. Acting City Auditor Audrey Askew says it puts the program at risk of losing state funding.

The audit found the 2017 YouthWorks program paid roughly $3800 last summer to 11 participants who never did any work, others lied on timesheets about hours worked and in at least one case, someone falsified a youth’s name for job placement.

Jason Perkins-Cohen, director of Youth Works, says the problems stem from a lack of resources.

“It’s really just a matter of staffing,” says Perkins-Cohen. “If we want to have more staff people and that would involve more costs that reduces the number of young people we put to work we can do that and we would have more time to deal with these fairly minor discrepancies.”



  1. Is it just me, or is highly-educated Jason's quote totally unintelligible? "Jason holds a Bachelor’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a Master’s degree in Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison."

  2. Sound like problems stem from a lack of honesty and respect for the tax payers hard earned $

  3. Cut the funding to this and other Baltimore programs. Then put that money back into the State Employees Retirement Fund. Reverse the State Retirees health insurance programs that were removed for the Senior State Retirees. Hogan should be a man with balls and be a true Republican and quit allowing the bully Democrats push him around and screw over the citizens of MD.

  4. That's Baltimore for you. This is what happens when a place is run by democrats. There isn't a democrat alive who is honest. There isn't a democrat dead or alive who has ever contributed anything positive to society.

  5. That was one of the most poorly written articles I've seen in a while. Was it written by one of the summer job kids?


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