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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

President Trump Says He Mis-spoke Regarding Russian Interference

President Donald Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn't see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections.

Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn't see why Russia "wouldn't" be responsible.

He also said he accepts the American intelligence community's conclusion that Russia interfered in the election, but he denied that his campaign had colluded in the effort.



  1. SOROS = CNN AND DEMOCRATS couldn't care less it's not there Agenda there Agenda is to DESTROY the American way of life and to have Open Boarders the civil snowflake war is coming in 2020.

    1. Where do you get these silly ideas? You spend too much time in the sun?

    2. And Democrats are the crazy ones lol

  2. Your watching a “movie” Trump is playing 4D chess and winning, they just dont know it yet.

  3. Sometimes the President's gears grind a little.


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