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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Update On Rehab Facility

The state owned facility will be donated to Wicomico County, for starters. Governor Hogan will also give the county $10,000,000.00 towards the opioid  epidemic which will go towards this facility, so no funds will come from taxpayers for this facility. Yet the Jack Heath camp is trying to bash Executive Culver by spreading rumors and lies.

The only thing Culver has done is to reach out to ALL other counties to help fund the facility in the future, going as far as the Bay Bridge. This kind of facility is desperately needed for the entire Eastern Shore and this is a great opportunity. His outreach to other counties was immediately embraced by other county leaders.

Some people out there are claiming this will be another ECI and that's just plain stupid. The people going to this facility want to get clean. This is an addiction center, something some ignorant people just don't get. While in many cases some of these people have never been struck with an addiction so they just can't seem to be open minded enough to truly understand.

Yes, many of the people with addictions put this upon themselves. However, there are many who started on pain killers and found themselves addicted and desperately needed more. Quitting anything referencing addiction is very tough. I used to be a very heavy cigarette smoker and anyone who was around me when I finally quit knows how difficult it was for me to stop cold turkey. And that's just cigarettes! 

Anyhow, the sky is not falling. Governor Hogan fully supports this center, as do many of the surrounding counties on the Shore. If you speak to anyone involved in law enforcement or states attorneys office you'll quickly learn that if we can get the people addicted to these drugs clean, crime will drop dramatically. They rob and steal in desperation to get their next fix. 

This facility will also prepare patients for jobs. The topic itself is one that many people don't want to discuss but the epidemic is real and the Shore truly needs this facility. Stop believing the rumors being spread out there.  


  1. This is much needed, we the tax paying public already own the property so transfer to the County is a wise move. The need for such a center is long over due. The location is perfect for this purpose. Do it right maybe we can save lives and our community

  2. Joe,
    Is there any date as to when they will be opening this badly needed facility?

  3. Good! The Hudson Health has a poor leader at the helm as CEO.GET a Rehab that has long term beds for addicts.

  4. it's crazy. Throwing more money at this is not going to help. As a matter of fact places like this only add to the problem because the success rate is almost nonexistent. All this does is give people jobs and those employed by the "recovery industrial complex" aren't out to help addicts they are out to keep their jobs.

  5. The Heath gang is envious.

  6. Local low info voters don't know the truth what Heath spews.

  7. Where is hogan getting 10 MILLION from? The taxpayers. Why is there an opioid epidemic? The deepstate cabal democrat communist socialist progressives. They created this crisis and they'll use it to tax us even more. This crisis will fix itself when the dope dries up so will the addiction. Hell, they wont even put the dealers in prison. FIX the damn roads, clean out those storm drainage ditches. Another gov project to be a mess with endless cost.
    Clearly only those that make bad choices have representation, its time to pull the creditcards from these fake conservatives!!!
    Heath and gang have no business in gov issues but these so called conservatives are a flippin lying joke!

  8. Where is this located?

  9. Yes, this is a very needed and worthy effort, but to say Hogan is giving us $10 million without it being taxpayer money is just plain wrong unless he's taking it out of his personal savings account, which I doubt. So, it's State taxes, not added local taxes paying for it, I get that.

  10. ECI brought some lovely folks to Salisbury: so what is this facility going to bring?

    1. Wow I can't believe you just asked that. What do you think happens at a rehab? People get better not worse.

  11. Joe, not to be picky but all of that $10,000,000 is coming from us taxpayers, just from the state taxes not the county taxes.

  12. Try taking their sugar away and see how they do. Then they will start to understand what addiction is all about.

  13. This is a great idea if it can avoid being a catch all where desperate judges send people when they're at their wits end to know what to do with them.Mental health facilities always have attorneys fighting in court to prevent those who DO NOT fit the criteria of their facility from being court ordered to go there.Adhere directly to the criteria set down when this facility opens and all will be fine,but send those who have already been convicted of a criminal offense elsewhere.

  14. Here's my problem with the issue. You claim they want to get clean, but some ~50%(give or take 10%) of addicts relapse after rehab.
    With ECI the problem has been two fold, the inmates are released and then
    a.) rob a bank on rt.13 on the way back to Baltimore for cab money/cash (you should see the internal report that gets passed around the local banks on who got robbed when, it's frightening how often it is, and how amateurish the attempts are.)
    b.) they don't go back for various reasons and then repeat offend here on the shore.
    So what I would like to see answered is
    a.) What is going to be done to prevent recovering addicts from robbing homes on Nanticoke road when released.
    b.) What is going to prevent a community of addicts (and then their suppliers) from springing up around the complex. Sure the claim is it is for opiod addiction, but whats to stop if from accepting others or being forced too by changing political winds.

    as an aside.. touting that the surrounding counties support and embrace this idea is not a selling point, of course they like it, it's not in their yards.

  15. Well finally the events of today are now turned around to address the politicians closing mental health related facilities. In "cost-saving" measures facilities such as Rosewood and others were closed ignoring the fact that society really needs these centers. Drug addiction alone merits the need to open and conduct services to repair our effected citizens and re-establish a medium of care that benefits all. Thanks Bob Culver for having the forethought to start this.

  16. Many of you are correct when it comes to it will cost taxpayers, I misspoke. What I mean was that it won't cost local taxpayers like many of the commenters were suggesting. Their comments made it sound like our local taxes would go up, it will not.

    The facility has already been costing state taxpayers for many years as it was. The conversion will garnish more state support under the new purpose.

    I should've been better at explaining it then I did, I'm sorry about that.

    As for the other ECI type of comments, this is NOT a jail. It is a voluntary facility for those people WANTING to beat their addictions. So cut the BS.

  17. To answer some other questions, the Hudson Center will not be involved in this facility. However, it will be a private company with a proven track record running it. Nothing against the Hudson Center.

    Just because someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol doesn't make them criminals and as I stated earlier, it's not a jail.

    To educate most of you, rehab centers usually only house people for around 10 days, some get 28 days. If you people keep sending in comments with scare tactics I'm going to start rejecting them. The facility is for Eastern Shore addicts and believe me, there's a LOT of them. Each County will have to create their own facilities, this one happens to be large enough to cover the Eastern Shore Counties and makes financial sense.

    So when these people get out, it doesn't mean their families will be moving here from Baltimore and so forth like ECI. They'll simply go back to their lives where they came from and they'll be better trained for job training and futures. These are not bad people. They're addicts, period.

    As a society, (especially with big pharma pushing these drugs) we need to HELP them. If they continue down a bad path, well, then they need to go to jail.

    1. Joe THANKYOU!!! I honestly thought you were like all of these other ignorant commenters condemning addicts. I can't think of one addict that wants to be like that. It's a very crappy lifestyle. But all the addicts want is to be well enough each day to continue to take care of their responsibility's. (I know shocking!!!) The stereotype of addicts being the worst of society is so far from the truth it makes these judgemental people look so ignorant. Thankyou for having some compassion.

  18. This part of wicomico county is already under heavy state police and occasionally county Police presence due to high drug/alcohol problems and being overwhelmed by illegal immigrants.

  19. Overwhelmed by illegal immigrants? Really. Got numbers?

  20. With the addiction problems hitting our state and county this is exactly what we need right now. It will be voluntary and with that being said its not like getting released from prison. You will have support systems built in for the transition to clean living outside of the center not just discharged to find you way home. This is a perfect use for a facility that is not being used it will save tax payer money in the long term and reduce addiction and the crime that comes along with feeding that addiction. Thank you County Executive You have my vote.

  21. For you trolls who are criticizing: not one of you offered any solutions. At least Culver and Hogan are making an effort.

  22. 10:04 What in the hell do the illegal/farm workers have to do with this post. If we did not have those workers the crops would stay in the fields. Snow Flakes will do do manual labor. Last week I met an owner of a large oyster operation. The entire crew is Hispanic. I had not seen this on the shore before. The man pays a great wage. He could not find decent help. The crew shows up at 430 in the morning and works all day without complaint. I am a hard core Republican and I am seeing more and more that the majority of these immigrants will do work no one else will because they are to busy sucking off the system. As for the rehab I have mixed feelings bringing in more addicted people to our community. Joe thanks for the heads up.

  23. I believe this facility is needed. No matter where or what it is, people will say "not in my back yard". I would like more info on how the facility will be run,before passing judgement . I am hesitant on you stating the job training. I would like to see the plan of how a resident will get off drugs and receive job training in 10-28 days.

    Joe you are too smart of a guy to say " so no funds will come from taxpayers for this facility. If it is a Federal, State, County or City program or building it does cost the tax payers. Where is the $10,000,000 coming from because you will never convince me Governor Hogan will give the county $10,000,000 out of his own pocket. What ever it is the government "gives", cost taxpayers. So lets say I believe your statement, what happens when the $10,000,000 has been spent. Do you close the facility and the programs?

  24. Again, sue big pharma and get back all funding period! They knowingly doled out the drugs under the guise that they were non addictive! Why aren’t we going after those “pushers?”

  25. Thanks Joe.
    There are 3 in patient rehabs on Maryland shore. Hudson, Warwic Mannor in Secretary, and Whitsitt near Chestertown. Average wait time for male bed is 3 weeks currently. Not sure about female beds.
    Half way house are also a big help to recovery. They are harder to find.
    Many don't know the face of addiction. It can be your child or grand child, or parent.
    Yes, there will be abusers of the system. But you never know who will get clean and sober, until they do.
    Oh. P.s. addictions counselors don't make much money unless they can do mental health as well.

  26. great next we'll have halfway houses out this way so the damn druggies can stop and steal then fence the stolen property on their way to their pushers.
    wtf is wrong with you libtards!
    it's taxpayer money and the taxpayer sure as hell dpn't pay for my cockups!
    so why am i being taxed to pay for these useless pos's? it's your life and if you f it up don't come crying, expecting me to support your poor decisions! piss off!

  27. Need more information--will this be an actual long term rehab center? 28 day programs just don't work..this needs to be 18 months treatment...LONG TERM!


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