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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trump to Go After Mueller For 9/11-Saudi Cover-Up

President about to drop the hammer on former FBI Director for burying Saudi involvement in attacks
President Trump may be about to drop the hammer on Robert Mueller by exposing his role in helping to cover-up Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11.

Mueller has been involved in the systematic cover-up of the true circumstances behind 9/11 since day one, which is why he has been a constant roadblock to victim’s families who are attempting to seek compensation from Saudi Arabia for their role in the attacks.

During an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show last night, attorney for 9/11 victim’s families Jim Kreindler said that rush to war with Iraq meant that the Saudi connection to 9/11 needed to be buried and Mueller was instrumental in making this happen.

This is why the Bush administration allowed prominent Saudis, including members of the Bin Laden family, to leave the country even as flights were grounded nationwide.



  1. Arrest John McCain he took $1 million from the Saudis.

  2. I would like for ALL this info to come out regardless...

  3. Mueller..just another deep state swamp rat rainbow luciferian warrior being a useful idiot. You should also be aware of his connections to NWOs rainbow warrior central...the UN. This guy is evil and corrupt to his core.

  4. Money talks. Obama was out to destroy America. My feelings. Delete post if you want it is okay. Obama was never an American. The media was in such a hurry to have a black President it didn't matter as long as he was black. Then the media wanted a woman president and that made Obama very happy. But Americans have spoken. President Trump MAGA.

  5. President Trump MAY be about to drop the hammer on Robert Mueller.... or MAY NOT


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